I'm still alive. You probably already know that.
What's going on with me? Major life transitions: New career. New directions. It's a whirlwind and it's awesome. There is something very nice about being able to chart your own course. Work hard. Invest smart. Now I'm able to do some of the things I really want to.
And I can continue to tool around online which makes me happy too.
So what am I up to as WickedFrost?
Well - there's #projectmoonie
Subscribe to her channel. It's going to be good.
I'm continuing to put out content on my channel.
Windows 10 is coming out tomorrow which means I'll be holed up with a few gallons of water and snack food. 7 computers to update plus networks, drivers, printers.
Anyways - talk to my bot on the right hand side. He's lonely. Subscribe to the aforementioned channels.
Be good to each other.
- W