Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Have I really not posted since 2014?


I'm still alive. You probably already know that.

What's going on with me? Major life transitions: New career. New directions. It's a whirlwind and it's awesome. There is something very nice about being able to chart your own course. Work hard. Invest smart. Now I'm able to do some of the things I really want to.

And I can continue to tool around online which makes me happy too.

So what am I up to as WickedFrost?

Well - there's #projectmoonie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGL6MW4TNX987f-gH5eN-Bg

Subscribe to her channel. It's going to be good.

I'm continuing to put out content on my channel. http://www.youtube.com/princewikky

Windows 10 is coming out tomorrow which means I'll be holed up with a few gallons of water and snack food. 7 computers to update plus networks, drivers, printers.

Anyways - talk to my bot on the right hand side. He's lonely. Subscribe to the aforementioned channels.

Be good to each other.

- W