Tuesday, 17 June 2014

A Second Life for Second Life

I know that most of the Endless-Online community lives like Deviants lives: in a mud hut in a Missouri swamp running Windows 3.1 on an old 386. Hence the appeal of a 16 bit MMORPG.

One day you'll update your graphics cards and realize that if you're going to do nothing but sit around all day chatting on the internet, you might as well do it in 3d rather than in 2.5d isometrics. So might I suggest Second Life as your time waster of choice.


Because the Oculus Rift is going to support an immersive Second Life experience that is likely to be a game changer for Linden Labs and one that is going to breathe new life into what is admittedly a small and devout community.

The big deal is that Oculus is going to bring people, developers, and corporate cash back into the virtual world. This means the creation of games, realms, new clothing, buildings and brand new social experiences.

I've been an off an on Second Life citizen since its inception and I'm particularly excited by this. The chance to tour Dublin's pubs, walk the streets of new Gallifrey, or dance in the Titanic's ballroom is going to be taken to a whole new level.

So if you're in the mood to hang out drop me a line (Dano Quixote) and you can sometimes find me at the Shelter on a good theme night or trolling idiots at the House of Prayer church.

Oh. And if you're looking for free stuff there's a great freebie shop at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/London%20City3/152/107/24 with some pretty solid clothing. Nikita Freebies is also a good place to stop in and build up your inventory.


Monday, 16 June 2014

Stuff you should like: The Beef Seeds

Okay - SEO - came and really went. A valiant effort on Stava's part but really unsustainable. I'm more encouraged by DHex's android experiment. More on that when it comes available.

As for what I've been up to: mostly work. Such is life and life is good. If you're looking for me you're going to find me at TREOS.ORG. Get your ass over there if you haven't.

Now - content. Because what's a blog without some, mirite? I'm going to hit you with whatever I feel like and you're going to like it. Today - I'm on a Beef Seeds kick. If you're not familiar it's your typical YouTube cover channel - except!





I absolutely love the Beef Seeds. I know most of you are dubstep/screamo folks. Change it up a bit. The band consists of Peet "Bongo Peet" Morgan, Becky "Miss Becky" Johnson, Scott "Showman" Bowman, and Adam Beale. Look closely at Miss Becky's eyes.Their classic Bluegrass patterns and vocals make some of the shitty pop they're covering palatable. Hell - they make Miley worth listening to.

Here's a sampler. Subscribe to them.
