Monday, 16 June 2014

Stuff you should like: The Beef Seeds

Okay - SEO - came and really went. A valiant effort on Stava's part but really unsustainable. I'm more encouraged by DHex's android experiment. More on that when it comes available.

As for what I've been up to: mostly work. Such is life and life is good. If you're looking for me you're going to find me at TREOS.ORG. Get your ass over there if you haven't.

Now - content. Because what's a blog without some, mirite? I'm going to hit you with whatever I feel like and you're going to like it. Today - I'm on a Beef Seeds kick. If you're not familiar it's your typical YouTube cover channel - except!





I absolutely love the Beef Seeds. I know most of you are dubstep/screamo folks. Change it up a bit. The band consists of Peet "Bongo Peet" Morgan, Becky "Miss Becky" Johnson, Scott "Showman" Bowman, and Adam Beale. Look closely at Miss Becky's eyes.Their classic Bluegrass patterns and vocals make some of the shitty pop they're covering palatable. Hell - they make Miley worth listening to.

Here's a sampler. Subscribe to them.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, someone in the community who has a good taste in music haha! I haven't heard of these guys before but they're pretty awesome, sub well earned I say.
