Friday, 14 February 2014

Low Level Levelling

One of the fun things about Stava’s Endless-Online server is that everybody is starting fresh. There are, of course, a few grinders who are easily making their way to the top BUT! there’s plenty of room for everyone to have fun with the game.
(And there are no bots which makes a huge difference in the game play.)
Even with the extra room leveling on an EO based server is a relatively slow process. What I’d like to offer is, not a definitive guide, but some thoughts about low level leveling (which does have practical applications at higher levels).
Now there are a few considerations that need to be taken into account when figuring out your leveling strategy:
The first is your effective level. Your effective level is a combination of class, stats, and equipment. How much damage can you do? How much can you absorb? The reason this is important is that if you have a higher effective level you may have a more efficient path to experience through more difficult mobs. A lower effective level (for example, if you are playing a cleric style) means you will need to be more cautious. If you take 7 hits to kill a mob in one scenario and 3 in another then your experience/time ratio may be better even though, for example, sheep give less experience than carnivoes.
The second is your overall goal. Are you simply looking at experience and levels? Are you factoring in profitability as well? It may be the case that you are willing to sacrifice a little bit of efficiency because resource collection is also a priority.
The third is the boredom/competition factor. Grinding can be boring and let’s face it. We’re playing a game. If it’s just about a number then life is pretty sad. There needs to be a challenge for some of us – and, for others, it is good enough to simply sit in one place and grind. To each her own.
Case and point – three potential low level hunting areas. Peri Peri’s mole hunt. Carnivoes. Reaper Cave. At an effective level of 10 here’s how the math works out.
Peri Peri is the most efficient in terms of experience collection. You cannot beat the rate of return of 1250 experience every 4 1/2 minutes (until you reach higher levels). The drawback is that you get absolutely nothing in terms of resource collection. This is straight up experience grinding in the worst way. In addition – the moles have no bite or aggression – so the challenge level is 0. This is mindless experience farming but it works.
Carnivoes provide a decent rate of return though it is less than Peri Peri by roughly 8 percent. In order to max out efficiency you need to explore the whole map which means it receives a higher competition factor and the aggression of the carnivoes makes the experience enjoyable. With more players this can also decrease efficiency but increase competition factor. Carnivoes drop leaves at a relatively decent rate providing 60 gold per pop which isn’t going to make you rich but is better than nothing over time.
The Reaper Cave is an interesting comparison. You wouldn’t think so with Vyercil providing only 7 experience each. But when you factor in the spawn rate, speed, low hp, and the two reapers the experience drop off from Peri Peri is only 12 percent. Add into the equation the high profitability of the cave: the vyercil drop rate is much higher than carnivoes (at 50 gold per tentacle you can build up your stockpiles quickly) and the resale value for random reaper drops is very good. The competition factor is also at play here because the area will be more populated and at an EL of 10 you can die here without strategy and care.
Notice that all three locations have their costs and benefits that place them all in range of one another. There are other places that rank near to these (Ice Caves, Sheep, Desert) though they are less efficient from a purely mathematical inquiry. What is always good to see is the diversity of experience available for the SEO community especially at lower levels.
How about it? Where do you train in that under level 15 range? What factors do you consider when picking a site?
Comments below.

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