One of the shadowy subcultures that has emerged over the past decade is the growing number of script kiddies resorting to tremendously ham-fisted tactics to advance their own personal interests. Forget the subtle nuances of finding a glitch or exploiting a security flaw. Even the clever art of social manipulation to gain an edge requires an element of skill.
What remains are examples like this:
- Someone is getting all the kills because they’re better than me. Take down the server.
- The server owner won’t give me free stuff. Take down the server.
- I got owned on global chat. Take down the server.
- Someone else has a new server that’s better than mine and people are leaving. Take down the server.

You get the general refrain.
Let’s first forgive some of these folks who suffer from legitimate mental illness. This is a reality in life that not everyone is stable and the indy corners of the ‘net tend to provide a haven for those looking for an escape from their woes. There are a number of illnesses that might cause what looks like an immature and childlike reaction to perceived injustices.
For those who aren’t afflicted with the challenges of illness: shame on you. There are four-year-olds with more mature responses to not getting their way. You can rationalize it away with lame thoughts like “It’s online, it doesn’t matter.” or “I’m so awesome because I can mess with a few kids experimenting with some patchwork software on tiny little servers using ddos routines that I didn’t even write”.
Seriously. I know you’re likely not intelligent enough to think about the broader philosophical implications of what you are doing. Let me boil it down for you. You’re throwing a temper tantrum because you didn’t get your pixels. Your mom should have spanked you more.
In any event – grow up. Some of you are in your twenties. James.
The Endless-Online community is just that – a community – if you don’t want to be a part of it there’s always 4chan. Go there.
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