Not really going into that much detail. Just scratching the surface mostly of what I'm up to. I don't blog much anymore but I think I'll be doing some over the next few months as I have a little bit of spare time that I can devote to this sort of thing.
A few questions to answer:
1. Why are you still blogging? Nobody reads this shit.
Statistically not true. Even then that's not the point. I blog, record video games, play music, etc. for me. I throw it online as a bit of a journal and a bit of a cathartic exercise. I'm knocking on the universe and seeing what happens.
There's no money in it. No fame. No reward beyond just doing it. I just like to.
I think that's really the point of anything. I have no delusions of grandeur here. I have analytics and I know that this isn't important. So if you think I'm one of these folks who dreams of making it big or that people actually care what I write, say, sing or play. I'm not.
But if you've read this - like it - enjoy me - or somehow find your life enhanced, views challenged, been mildly entertained, or feel less alone. That's totally gravy.
The universe sometimes knocks back.
2. EO Plus?
Yeah - it's a lot of fun. It's got me hooked on 2d isometrics again.
Download the client.
3. What do you do?
Primarily I'm a writer. Everything else I do in life centers around that. I love to communicate whether by page or word. I'm built for it.
Sometimes it's poetry, song, literature, articles, technical writing, teaching, presentations - it doesn't matter to me. I love how people connect and I am fascinated by the ways in which we do that through language, art, expression, comedy, body language...whatever.
I study it all the time. New ways of writing. Old ways done well. The internet. Social media. Parchment, tablets, and scrolls. It doesn't matter. I love it all.
In what I do I really aim to do 2 things. The first is to bring people together because ultimately I think life is better when we are connected with one another. The second is to help people. That's generally tied into the first because I think the biggest problem most people have is that we feel alone. Connecting people helps that. So I like to communicate and help people communicate.
And I get paid to do it which is freaking amazing.
4. Will you keep going?
I enjoy this. The anonymity of being WickedFrost - while still having met so many people and connected beyond my usual spheres through being WickedFrost.
That's the amazing part. As WickedFrost I can be both someone I'm not and who I really am - and without some of the social cues that bind us to certain segments of the population - I get to connect with people from all sorts of places where I might not normally go - or where you might not normally go.
That's the beauty. And I've met great, interesting, wild, amazing people on this journey.
Young people. Old people. All nationalities. People with everything together. People who are a hot mess. Smart people. Art people. Military folk. Singers. Gamers. Programmers.
I'll just leave that there on its own. Cruise is a fucking force of nature.
And I love you all. I might fucking hate you too. Jimmy. But I love you all nonetheless.
Which brings us back to question 1. Why am I still doing this?
Because it's fucking awesome and I love it.
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