Version 2 is available for download:
So what the hell are you still doing here?
Monday, 24 November 2014
Monday, 17 November 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
The Podcast
I've got a new project in the works. The Aeven Pub podcast. I figured it's about time we had a podcast for this thing and, really, why shouldn't we.
So here's how it's going to work. I'm going to set up a TinyChat time. I'm going to invite a few folks along. We're going to have a chat. I'm going to upload it. I'll have some topics we can riff on and we'll see what happens. It's very likely that you'll get to be on an episode.
Then - you're going to download it. And listen to it. And like it dammit. And share it with your friends. And we'll all be so damned phamous and pleased with ourselves.
Or whatever. I do this for fun and it should be fun. So here's the inaug. Be ready for this. There is a link at the top that will host the archive and player. They are going to be downloadable.
So here's how it's going to work. I'm going to set up a TinyChat time. I'm going to invite a few folks along. We're going to have a chat. I'm going to upload it. I'll have some topics we can riff on and we'll see what happens. It's very likely that you'll get to be on an episode.
Then - you're going to download it. And listen to it. And like it dammit. And share it with your friends. And we'll all be so damned phamous and pleased with ourselves.
Or whatever. I do this for fun and it should be fun. So here's the inaug. Be ready for this. There is a link at the top that will host the archive and player. They are going to be downloadable.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Nobody's out to get you...
A little sociological rambling...
Do the math: how many minutes a day do you think about other people? Not other people in general but other people specifically? Separate it out from when you are actually in direct contact with them or creeping their facebook. How many minutes a day do you think about other people when you are not with them?
I did the math once. I spent a month with a stopwatch in my pocket. I would click it when I was thinking about someone else, what they were doing, or something they'd done. I included, for the purpose of calculation, times when I was with someone else and we were talking about a third person. So gossip was in.
I put it into a spreadsheet. Did the calculations and it was pretty consistent: 38 minutes a day.
I categorized the thoughts in a journal. About 12% of the time I was thinking about something (just over three minutes) that somebody else was doing. About 22 percent of the time I was thinking about their clothing/appearance/fantasizing. The rest of the time I was thinking about what they were thinking about me.
I was worried about acceptance, or about a mistake, or about love, or about rejection.
At the end of it all I came to this conclusion: nobody's out to get you. People aren't really talking behind your back. In fact, unless you are there or fresh in their mind people aren't thinking about you at all.
There are, of course, times in your life when you think that you are more visible than others - but even then - chances are that you are barely on the thought spectrum of other people.
So here's what I did. I reclaimed that 30 minutes a day by not worrying about what other people were thinking about me - because they probably aren't thinking about me. And if they are - they're probably fantasizing about me - and as long as that doesn't end up in some weird WickedFrost fanfic I'm probably okay with that. (I'm just kidding - write me into whatever fantasy you want).
The results: freedom. Stress drops significantly. Confidence increases substantially. Relationships are closer by far. And drama? I save it for the forums because that's how we roll.
I write this to encourage you - set your mind on things that are excellent and good. The other shit probably isn't real. Because math.
Do the math: how many minutes a day do you think about other people? Not other people in general but other people specifically? Separate it out from when you are actually in direct contact with them or creeping their facebook. How many minutes a day do you think about other people when you are not with them?
I did the math once. I spent a month with a stopwatch in my pocket. I would click it when I was thinking about someone else, what they were doing, or something they'd done. I included, for the purpose of calculation, times when I was with someone else and we were talking about a third person. So gossip was in.
I put it into a spreadsheet. Did the calculations and it was pretty consistent: 38 minutes a day.
I categorized the thoughts in a journal. About 12% of the time I was thinking about something (just over three minutes) that somebody else was doing. About 22 percent of the time I was thinking about their clothing/appearance/fantasizing. The rest of the time I was thinking about what they were thinking about me.
I was worried about acceptance, or about a mistake, or about love, or about rejection.
At the end of it all I came to this conclusion: nobody's out to get you. People aren't really talking behind your back. In fact, unless you are there or fresh in their mind people aren't thinking about you at all.
There are, of course, times in your life when you think that you are more visible than others - but even then - chances are that you are barely on the thought spectrum of other people.
So here's what I did. I reclaimed that 30 minutes a day by not worrying about what other people were thinking about me - because they probably aren't thinking about me. And if they are - they're probably fantasizing about me - and as long as that doesn't end up in some weird WickedFrost fanfic I'm probably okay with that. (I'm just kidding - write me into whatever fantasy you want).
The results: freedom. Stress drops significantly. Confidence increases substantially. Relationships are closer by far. And drama? I save it for the forums because that's how we roll.
I write this to encourage you - set your mind on things that are excellent and good. The other shit probably isn't real. Because math.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Minecraft: Wikky Island (Episode 46)
Sup y'all. Just dropping another Minecraft episode on you. TREOS is back online with a brand new forum engine which is pretty cool. 'Grats Luc.
Think I'm going to do another song this afternoon if I break away from work at all. Don't know which song yet. I never do until about 3 seconds before I hit record so we'll see.
Have yourselves a great day!
Think I'm going to do another song this afternoon if I break away from work at all. Don't know which song yet. I never do until about 3 seconds before I hit record so we'll see.
Have yourselves a great day!
Monday, 27 October 2014
Wikky Sings: Spirituals
What is up folks. I was away for a bit. Back now. Figured I'd hit you up with an old spiritual tune. Enjoy.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Ozzy shared this quote with me:
The logical fallacy that he presents is that drugs = creativity. That is objectively false. Tour a homeless shelter and search for the Grand Unifying Theory and it's pretty likely you won't find it. In fact, statistically speaking it's likely that drug use stifles universal creativity in the population.
The characteristic of brilliant inspiration that is common to all great discovery is not the method by which that inspiration is derived but in the genius of the individual inspired. Carl Sagan is a genius. The combination of shower, sex, and marijuana somehow collided with all of his prior experiences and learning to produce something special.
Perhaps these were the only combination of factors that would produce those results. It could be, however, that he would have come up with these ideas independently while eating a cheeseburger.
Professionally I've written over 1.8 million words that I have been paid for. I know a little bit about creativity and my IQ score really does settle the genius question. My inspiration comes from the complex dichotomy of suffering and hope. I've never needed chemicals to influence that.
Would I be a better author if I blazed? Perhaps. But I don't think so. My particular process requires disciple and control. When I lose that then creativity leaves me.
Just some early morning ramblings. Point: don't do drugs if you're not Carl Sagan. It probably won't get you very far.
I can remember one occasion, taking a shower with my wife while high, in which I had an idea on the origins and invalidities of racism in terms of gaussian distribution curves. It was a point obvious in a way, but rarely talked about. I drew the curves in soap on the shower wall, and went to write the idea down. One idea led to another, and at the end of about an hour of extremely hard work I found I had written eleven short essays on a wide range of social, political, philosophical, and human biological topics. Because of problems of space, I can’t go into the details of these essays, but from all external signs, such as public reactions and expert commentary, they seem to contain valid insights. I have used them in university commencement addresses, public lectures, and in my books. - Carl SaganThe logical extension that Ozzy was making is that getting high is a source of inspiration. I'm not going to argue that point. There are many examples of very brilliant people doing some incredible creative work under the influence of powerful chemicals.
The logical fallacy that he presents is that drugs = creativity. That is objectively false. Tour a homeless shelter and search for the Grand Unifying Theory and it's pretty likely you won't find it. In fact, statistically speaking it's likely that drug use stifles universal creativity in the population.
The characteristic of brilliant inspiration that is common to all great discovery is not the method by which that inspiration is derived but in the genius of the individual inspired. Carl Sagan is a genius. The combination of shower, sex, and marijuana somehow collided with all of his prior experiences and learning to produce something special.
Perhaps these were the only combination of factors that would produce those results. It could be, however, that he would have come up with these ideas independently while eating a cheeseburger.
Professionally I've written over 1.8 million words that I have been paid for. I know a little bit about creativity and my IQ score really does settle the genius question. My inspiration comes from the complex dichotomy of suffering and hope. I've never needed chemicals to influence that.
Would I be a better author if I blazed? Perhaps. But I don't think so. My particular process requires disciple and control. When I lose that then creativity leaves me.
Just some early morning ramblings. Point: don't do drugs if you're not Carl Sagan. It probably won't get you very far.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
I must have been living under a rock for the past month because this just crossed my desk yesterday.
I'm not going to delve into the history here. If you are unfamiliar with what this is you can get the backstory here:
Or the tl;dr ADHD YouTube version here:
I'm simply going to riff on some themes that are coming out of this.
1. Don't threaten people.
One of the results of this whole ridiculous thing is that people are being stalked, harassed, and threatened with horrendous violence over video games. Anonymously.
I know what that's like. For 10 years I've received my fair share of hate mail. I don't complain about it because don't feed the trolls. My typical response is "come at me, bro". There are much scarier things in this world than a 20-year-old loser with a keyboard.
Still. It's not the thing anybody should be subjected to - and folks who are way more exposed than me are receiving scary shit. From losers hiding behind anonymity. Cowards.
Here's my advice: if you're getting mad over something that happens on a screen then go outside, breathe in some fresh air, and think about whether or not feeling better about your pixels is worth terrorizing some innocent person.
2. Feminism is good.
"Feminists ruined my life." Bullshit.
Let's take out the obvious ethical goodness of equality for women (and if you don't think men and women are and should be treated equally in all aspects of life the plain truth is that you're wrong, change your worldview, there is no argument that actually supports your position).
Feminism has made your life objectively better in every possible way. It is the growing inclusion of women into every facet of western society that has made the world as a whole a better place. Economically, scientifically, philosophically, relationally, politically, artistically, religiously, video gamically.
This is fact.
If your life sucks there are a whole hell of a lot of reasons that it might but feminism ain't one of them.
More likely: you're not as good a worker as you think you are, you aren't that smart, you're shitty in bed, you're a terrible husband/life partner/friend.
Be a man. Own up to the things that you can change - and change them. Even if you are not the author of your own problems you are still the author of your solutions. Get to work you lazy fuck and stop threatening women because of video games.
3. Journalistic integrity.
Seriously. How is this even a thing? Video game developers trying to influence reviews for their products. Doesn't that happen EVERYWHERE. Seriously. I literally know political correspondents who get free swag to get a particular party's message out. Toy companies give free samples out to executives to get put on the shelves. Editors who get paid to hold off on a story for a few days so that companies can be ready for it.
It happens every day, in every place, and with things far more important than video games.
You think a few underpaid writers at Kotaku aren't going to take a gift for an extra star on their game review. You trust everything that a writer writes even though that person couldn't land a gig at an actual news establishment (where corruption happens too),
You're delusional. See your doctor.
4. 4chan is a fucking cesspool.
Before those /fuck/tards start preaching about how the world should be run those sanctimonious twats should clean up their own shit. Kiddie porn, racism, sexism, bigotry, hate. Slut shaming. Manipulating vulnerable people into exposing themselves. Virtual rape. Stealing people's copyrighted shit.
Anonymity is a treasure and a privilege. Not a license to be vile.
For great justice? How about reporting IPs to legal authorities when an underage photo is posted? How about banning racists and homophobes? How about it not being okay if some depressed girl is splaying herself in front of a webcam because she's mistaking attention for love? She's somebody's daughter for fucks sake.
Free speech has its limits for a reason. Grow up and learn why.
That's what I've got on all of this. What do you think? Comments.
I'm not going to delve into the history here. If you are unfamiliar with what this is you can get the backstory here:
Or the tl;dr ADHD YouTube version here:
I'm simply going to riff on some themes that are coming out of this.
1. Don't threaten people.
One of the results of this whole ridiculous thing is that people are being stalked, harassed, and threatened with horrendous violence over video games. Anonymously.
I know what that's like. For 10 years I've received my fair share of hate mail. I don't complain about it because don't feed the trolls. My typical response is "come at me, bro". There are much scarier things in this world than a 20-year-old loser with a keyboard.
Still. It's not the thing anybody should be subjected to - and folks who are way more exposed than me are receiving scary shit. From losers hiding behind anonymity. Cowards.
Here's my advice: if you're getting mad over something that happens on a screen then go outside, breathe in some fresh air, and think about whether or not feeling better about your pixels is worth terrorizing some innocent person.
2. Feminism is good.
"Feminists ruined my life." Bullshit.
Let's take out the obvious ethical goodness of equality for women (and if you don't think men and women are and should be treated equally in all aspects of life the plain truth is that you're wrong, change your worldview, there is no argument that actually supports your position).
Feminism has made your life objectively better in every possible way. It is the growing inclusion of women into every facet of western society that has made the world as a whole a better place. Economically, scientifically, philosophically, relationally, politically, artistically, religiously, video gamically.
This is fact.
If your life sucks there are a whole hell of a lot of reasons that it might but feminism ain't one of them.
More likely: you're not as good a worker as you think you are, you aren't that smart, you're shitty in bed, you're a terrible husband/life partner/friend.
Be a man. Own up to the things that you can change - and change them. Even if you are not the author of your own problems you are still the author of your solutions. Get to work you lazy fuck and stop threatening women because of video games.
3. Journalistic integrity.
Seriously. How is this even a thing? Video game developers trying to influence reviews for their products. Doesn't that happen EVERYWHERE. Seriously. I literally know political correspondents who get free swag to get a particular party's message out. Toy companies give free samples out to executives to get put on the shelves. Editors who get paid to hold off on a story for a few days so that companies can be ready for it.
It happens every day, in every place, and with things far more important than video games.
You think a few underpaid writers at Kotaku aren't going to take a gift for an extra star on their game review. You trust everything that a writer writes even though that person couldn't land a gig at an actual news establishment (where corruption happens too),
You're delusional. See your doctor.
4. 4chan is a fucking cesspool.
Before those /fuck/tards start preaching about how the world should be run those sanctimonious twats should clean up their own shit. Kiddie porn, racism, sexism, bigotry, hate. Slut shaming. Manipulating vulnerable people into exposing themselves. Virtual rape. Stealing people's copyrighted shit.
Anonymity is a treasure and a privilege. Not a license to be vile.
For great justice? How about reporting IPs to legal authorities when an underage photo is posted? How about banning racists and homophobes? How about it not being okay if some depressed girl is splaying herself in front of a webcam because she's mistaking attention for love? She's somebody's daughter for fucks sake.
Free speech has its limits for a reason. Grow up and learn why.
That's what I've got on all of this. What do you think? Comments.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Minecraft: Wikky Island (Episode 41)
Life goes on.
I've started work on a new project in life. I'm writing my first fantasy novel. I've done short stories and the like but for the most part I'm a non-fiction writer. Mostly because I'm pretty good at it and also because of time limitations and money. There's only so much you can do.
But now I have a little break in the grind and I've earned some me time so I'm working on some self indulgence. My timeline that I'm working with is about 6 months of writing. I'm also going to include a few EO easter eggs. Who knows - perhaps you'll be reading my book and you'll feel a little bit at home.
So that's life.
Fake life - that goes on too. A new 1D episode today and also on the Island. I'll probably do a few more 1D games for shits and giggles. More shits, likely.
Also - the fella who ddos'd Treos is threatening to take down the blog. Good for you, little fella. Good for you. Keep raging against the machine. It'll keep you from procreating.
I've started work on a new project in life. I'm writing my first fantasy novel. I've done short stories and the like but for the most part I'm a non-fiction writer. Mostly because I'm pretty good at it and also because of time limitations and money. There's only so much you can do.
But now I have a little break in the grind and I've earned some me time so I'm working on some self indulgence. My timeline that I'm working with is about 6 months of writing. I'm also going to include a few EO easter eggs. Who knows - perhaps you'll be reading my book and you'll feel a little bit at home.
So that's life.
Fake life - that goes on too. A new 1D episode today and also on the Island. I'll probably do a few more 1D games for shits and giggles. More shits, likely.
Also - the fella who ddos'd Treos is threatening to take down the blog. Good for you, little fella. Good for you. Keep raging against the machine. It'll keep you from procreating.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Wikky Wants the 1D (Episode 3)
So one last entry on the whole TREOS situation. The site is back up. Jimmy has backed off. I'll leave it at that.
Elevations involvement. Who the fuck cares? I think he was and it's a reasonable conclusion given history, demands and the facts. If he wasn't, whatever. He's still a jackass who hacked is player base including getting access to their private data and webcams. If you've ever downloaded Fallen Evolution find yourself a lawyer and sue him. Terms of Service agreements do not shield him from illegal activity.
And a disclaimer: the opinions expressed about elevations admitted illegal activity are mine and are in no way connected to TREOS.
But that's not why you're here. You're here for the D. Enjoy!
Elevations involvement. Who the fuck cares? I think he was and it's a reasonable conclusion given history, demands and the facts. If he wasn't, whatever. He's still a jackass who hacked is player base including getting access to their private data and webcams. If you've ever downloaded Fallen Evolution find yourself a lawyer and sue him. Terms of Service agreements do not shield him from illegal activity.
And a disclaimer: the opinions expressed about elevations admitted illegal activity are mine and are in no way connected to TREOS.
But that's not why you're here. You're here for the D. Enjoy!
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Wikky Wants the 1D (Episode 2)
So we're clear on the whole thing. If you take down a forum because you got banned or because you don't like what people are saying about you: you're a loser.
elevations, Jimmy
That is confirmed.
Play the internet tough guy all you want. Fap over your own 1337ness. At the end of the day you're pathetic. Look in the mirror. Think about your life and why nobody likes you. That's the problem. Not the rest of the world. It's you. Always has been.
But you can change. All you've got to do is Bo-Lieve.
elevations, Jimmy
That is confirmed.
Play the internet tough guy all you want. Fap over your own 1337ness. At the end of the day you're pathetic. Look in the mirror. Think about your life and why nobody likes you. That's the problem. Not the rest of the world. It's you. Always has been.
But you can change. All you've got to do is Bo-Lieve.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Called it: Or Elevations and Jimmy are babies.
You'll notice is down - it's being DDOS'd by the script kiddies who are upset that news of elevations violation of his users privacy and hacking their computers with malicious code included in downloading Fallen Evolution.
They've got a list of demands, apparently:
To save you the clicketies:
Remove permanent ban on user account: "Jimmy"
Remove permanent ban on email:
Remove permanent ban on all listed IP Address' for user account "Jimmy"
Remove the thread involving Elevations.
Thes are all the current demands. We will give you 48 hours to meet these demands. If you do not meet these demands within the 48 hours we will be forced to take down the forums in defiantly(sic)
So obviously these clowns are pussies. Elevations is probably a sex offender given that his malicious code gave him access to his users webcams and personal data. (For the protection of his game, of course).
The one thing that I can be sure of is that these losers don't stand a chance against a real server so the blog is safe.
To summarize:
Jimmy and elevations are pussies.
Don't ever play Fallen Evolution.
And here's my list of demands: GTFO losers.
They've got a list of demands, apparently:
To save you the clicketies:
Remove permanent ban on user account: "Jimmy"
Remove permanent ban on email:
Remove permanent ban on all listed IP Address' for user account "Jimmy"
Remove the thread involving Elevations.
Thes are all the current demands. We will give you 48 hours to meet these demands. If you do not meet these demands within the 48 hours we will be forced to take down the forums in defiantly(sic)
So obviously these clowns are pussies. Elevations is probably a sex offender given that his malicious code gave him access to his users webcams and personal data. (For the protection of his game, of course).
The one thing that I can be sure of is that these losers don't stand a chance against a real server so the blog is safe.
To summarize:
Jimmy and elevations are pussies.
Don't ever play Fallen Evolution.
And here's my list of demands: GTFO losers.
JumpButton Studios release Viking Dodge #newgame
Hey all,
You know how much I love the indie startups. The only thing I love more is when you folks are the ones doing the starting up. Your passion. Your ambition. Your talent. It's what inspires me to do what I do.
Today's feature: JumpButton Studio.
These guys are out of our community and all about what we're about. Being creative. Generating content. Putting out cool shit for us to play.
So here's what they've asked me to promote for you (note - I do not receive any form of compensation for anything I endorse - I just like these guys): Viking Dodge
You've got Vikings. You've got boulders. You've got dragons. You've got sheep. What more do you need?
Here's the official release:
Head on over to JumpButton Studio for Viking Dodge and their lineup of fun and addicting time wasters.
You know how much I love the indie startups. The only thing I love more is when you folks are the ones doing the starting up. Your passion. Your ambition. Your talent. It's what inspires me to do what I do.
Today's feature: JumpButton Studio.
These guys are out of our community and all about what we're about. Being creative. Generating content. Putting out cool shit for us to play.
So here's what they've asked me to promote for you (note - I do not receive any form of compensation for anything I endorse - I just like these guys): Viking Dodge
You've got Vikings. You've got boulders. You've got dragons. You've got sheep. What more do you need?
Here's the official release:
Play as Gunnvor as you help him on his quest. Dodge rocks, fend off a fire breathing dragon and at all costs protect the poor sheep! Be careful though, for some reason these sheep are fatter and heavier than usual, even poor Gunnvor struggles to lift them. Don't be scared to sacrifice a sheep in order to save your own life, just beware of the consequences...
Run, dive and jump to stay alive
Use your arsenal of moves to dodge the dangers, I suggest jumping when there is NOT a rock above you.
Pickup sheep to gain a point boost
Double your score increment by picking up and carrying a sheep, he might be a little fat and heavy but he is nice a fluffy. (Disclaimer : Fluffy sheep do not absorb the impact of rocks, it still very much hurts)
Throw the sheep when you are sick of it!
Sheep getting in the way? Or sick of him mocking you?
Throw him away, throwing him off screen awards you 5 points and keeps the Guardian Of The Sheep happy.
Fend off a fire breathing dragon
It is advised to not feed the dragon, can try if you want but he prefers to spit fireballs at your face.
Piss off the "Guardian Of The Sheep"
Little is known about the Guardian Of The Sheep, legends state that he is 15 feet tall and that he has over 30 pet sheep. Probably a loner.
Be the best
Show everyone just how much you love sheep, keep a track record of your personal scores, upload them to a global leaderboard or share them with your friends.
Head on over to JumpButton Studio for Viking Dodge and their lineup of fun and addicting time wasters.
Wikky Wants The 1D (Episode 1)
Seriously - this is a thing that exists. Vult-R. The genius who gave us Endless-Online put out a One Direction dating simulator. Scratch that: he put out two. This is the second installment of the 1DDS. I can't imagine one but apparently Pewdiepie played it. Wow.
So I bit the bullet and played it - and even recorded it for you. For 7 Days we'll be headed in one direction. Probably straight to hell.
Enjoy - well, you probably won't - I warned you.
I need a drink...
Seriously - this is a thing that exists. Vult-R. The genius who gave us Endless-Online put out a One Direction dating simulator. Scratch that: he put out two. This is the second installment of the 1DDS. I can't imagine one but apparently Pewdiepie played it. Wow.
So I bit the bullet and played it - and even recorded it for you. For 7 Days we'll be headed in one direction. Probably straight to hell.
Enjoy - well, you probably won't - I warned you.
I need a drink...
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Monday, 6 October 2014
Even cowboys get the blues...
And stuff like that.
No real meaning to the title. Just catching up and saying "Hi." Life is a little busy on the reals so I've been keeping things kind of sporadic. No time for video games and so you'll notice not a lot of video posts.
I'll be back with more - I promise - just making sure there's no pile on my desk - because for that I get paid. This, while a labour of love, pays nary a bill.
In any event I haven't died, I'm not going anywhere, and there are some things that are coming up that will be very exciting for you. When I can fill you in on that I will and you will be excited.
Or I will come and whup some ass until your excited.
In any event - have yourself a great day and a pleasant tomorrow.
No real meaning to the title. Just catching up and saying "Hi." Life is a little busy on the reals so I've been keeping things kind of sporadic. No time for video games and so you'll notice not a lot of video posts.
I'll be back with more - I promise - just making sure there's no pile on my desk - because for that I get paid. This, while a labour of love, pays nary a bill.
In any event I haven't died, I'm not going anywhere, and there are some things that are coming up that will be very exciting for you. When I can fill you in on that I will and you will be excited.
Or I will come and whup some ass until your excited.
In any event - have yourself a great day and a pleasant tomorrow.
Friday, 3 October 2014
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Monday, 29 September 2014
Fallen Evolution (Elevations CAN HACK YOU! 100% proven)
I've known that Elevations is a dickwad for a very long time. He's a whiny crybaby that DDOS attacks small private servers because people won't play his shitty version of the game.
I've also warned people on many occasions not to download anything that Elevations has touched. If Sausage's code is historically AIDS (though he's cleaned up in the past few years) then Elevations is AIDSx1000 with no hope of a cure.
Don't download his shit. Don't play fallen-evolution. And if you ever run into him in real life (unlikely since he never leaves his mom's basement) then kick him in the shins and say Wikky says fuck you.
And for your reference:
I've also warned people on many occasions not to download anything that Elevations has touched. If Sausage's code is historically AIDS (though he's cleaned up in the past few years) then Elevations is AIDSx1000 with no hope of a cure.
Don't download his shit. Don't play fallen-evolution. And if you ever run into him in real life (unlikely since he never leaves his mom's basement) then kick him in the shins and say Wikky says fuck you.
And for your reference:
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Monday, 22 September 2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
It's been a few days...
Real life trumps e-life every day of the week. That is a good life maxim. So this past weekend I had a pretty good time. Caught a concert. Drank some very fine wine. Laid down some sick bass riffs. All in all I got a chance to relax.
It's good to relax like that. Get away from the grind especially when your work is consistently calling on you to be creative.
I've worked at a ton of different jobs. I've done service, office, labor, management, executive level leadership. All of them have their joys and concerns. The hardest and most rewarding job is the one that I'm doing right now.
Writing seems like an easy thing. It is insanely hard because you are constantly tasked with being creative. You are taxing your brain constantly in the generative effort of new thought. I'm not complaining - just descriptive of the work.
Then you have to go back and edit (which is why I love blogging so much - because it tends to be stream of thought for me and one takes often generate more ideas that I can translate into my work life)..
All of this is mentally taxing. This is why time off is so important for the writer. To go and do something different, new, uplifting, inspiring, embarrassing, that your brain taps into new sources of experience and somehow turns them into something worthwhile and awesome.
Or at least passable enough to get past your editor's desk!
So it was a good weekend. YouTube is being all "read-only" bitchy right now so I'll have a Minecraft video up at some point. I'll do a Bones one when I'm up to it. I'm still waffling on Sims4.
Also - I will have some song vids up soon. I just haven't felt inspired to record much. I'm sure I'll get a rainy day somewhere.
Have a good one.
It's good to relax like that. Get away from the grind especially when your work is consistently calling on you to be creative.
I've worked at a ton of different jobs. I've done service, office, labor, management, executive level leadership. All of them have their joys and concerns. The hardest and most rewarding job is the one that I'm doing right now.
Writing seems like an easy thing. It is insanely hard because you are constantly tasked with being creative. You are taxing your brain constantly in the generative effort of new thought. I'm not complaining - just descriptive of the work.
Then you have to go back and edit (which is why I love blogging so much - because it tends to be stream of thought for me and one takes often generate more ideas that I can translate into my work life)..
All of this is mentally taxing. This is why time off is so important for the writer. To go and do something different, new, uplifting, inspiring, embarrassing, that your brain taps into new sources of experience and somehow turns them into something worthwhile and awesome.
Or at least passable enough to get past your editor's desk!
So it was a good weekend. YouTube is being all "read-only" bitchy right now so I'll have a Minecraft video up at some point. I'll do a Bones one when I'm up to it. I'm still waffling on Sims4.
Also - I will have some song vids up soon. I just haven't felt inspired to record much. I'm sure I'll get a rainy day somewhere.
Have a good one.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Microsoft to buy Minecraft for 2 Billion Dollars
Just typing the headline made me point up my pinkie finger and do a Doctor Evil pose. 2 billion dollars is an incredible amount of money and I'm sure that Notch never in his wildest dreams ever considered it a possibility for his life.
But to put it in perspective that turns out to be about 37 dollars per user. I've already paid $27 for my copy. I have a Minecraft poster on my wall that cost 10 bucks. I'm in the market for a new laptop that will have to have a dedicated processor and will come with a copy of Windows 8 on it all because I want to play Minecraft on it.
And! The Little Wikkies all are starting to want it so I'll have to buy an Xbox, and a copy, and subscribe to the online shit.
By the time my Minecraft adventure is done I'll have spent a few thousand on the game. At $37 that's a pretty good return on investment.
Of course, this announcement will break the internet. Or perhaps it would have a couple of years ago.
Microsoft isn't the evil empire it used to be. That's Apple and Facebook now. Most of us (with the exception of those Linux nerds who spend too much time getting Ubuntu to run on their toaster to matter) recognize that Zuckerberg is the antichrist and that Apple would make us buy it on iTunes and squelch any independent development.
And Mojang isn't the little indie darling it used to be. It's worth 2 billion dollars. The game has become bigger than Notch, the company, or it's free spirited ideals. Quite frankly Minecraft is too big for Mojang. If it remained there it would probably die a horrible death from a lack of corporate infrastructure.
Today it's good news. Microsoft is already invested in Minecraft through the Xbox platform. They have teams of programmers and engineers they can put on the team to deal with those performance glitches and bloated engine that Notch developed. We're going to see faster updates, more features, different game modes, and a solid marketing team that will ensure that Minecraft will be with us for a long time.
There are fears and concerns: will it lose its indie feel and flavor if Microsoft gets its hands on it. Will we have to shell out for Minecraft 2 as Microsoft finds ways to further monetize the property (thanks EA for the shitty Sims business model). Will Minecraft continue on in perpetuity with the single lifetime payment that we made to Mojang being honored (class action anyone?). Will private servers still be a thing?
Will they let Bukkit and independent modders continue to do their thing or will that aspect of the game that made it popular die out. Or, perhaps, will it open up opportunities for those modders to work for Microsoft and get paid for the good work they do.
Lot's of questions. It's easy to get emotional on the issue. Our game is getting bought out by the man. But in the end it's a good thing because it means that Minecraft is going to go on for a long time.
But to put it in perspective that turns out to be about 37 dollars per user. I've already paid $27 for my copy. I have a Minecraft poster on my wall that cost 10 bucks. I'm in the market for a new laptop that will have to have a dedicated processor and will come with a copy of Windows 8 on it all because I want to play Minecraft on it.
And! The Little Wikkies all are starting to want it so I'll have to buy an Xbox, and a copy, and subscribe to the online shit.
By the time my Minecraft adventure is done I'll have spent a few thousand on the game. At $37 that's a pretty good return on investment.
Of course, this announcement will break the internet. Or perhaps it would have a couple of years ago.
Microsoft isn't the evil empire it used to be. That's Apple and Facebook now. Most of us (with the exception of those Linux nerds who spend too much time getting Ubuntu to run on their toaster to matter) recognize that Zuckerberg is the antichrist and that Apple would make us buy it on iTunes and squelch any independent development.
And Mojang isn't the little indie darling it used to be. It's worth 2 billion dollars. The game has become bigger than Notch, the company, or it's free spirited ideals. Quite frankly Minecraft is too big for Mojang. If it remained there it would probably die a horrible death from a lack of corporate infrastructure.
Today it's good news. Microsoft is already invested in Minecraft through the Xbox platform. They have teams of programmers and engineers they can put on the team to deal with those performance glitches and bloated engine that Notch developed. We're going to see faster updates, more features, different game modes, and a solid marketing team that will ensure that Minecraft will be with us for a long time.
There are fears and concerns: will it lose its indie feel and flavor if Microsoft gets its hands on it. Will we have to shell out for Minecraft 2 as Microsoft finds ways to further monetize the property (thanks EA for the shitty Sims business model). Will Minecraft continue on in perpetuity with the single lifetime payment that we made to Mojang being honored (class action anyone?). Will private servers still be a thing?
Will they let Bukkit and independent modders continue to do their thing or will that aspect of the game that made it popular die out. Or, perhaps, will it open up opportunities for those modders to work for Microsoft and get paid for the good work they do.
Lot's of questions. It's easy to get emotional on the issue. Our game is getting bought out by the man. But in the end it's a good thing because it means that Minecraft is going to go on for a long time.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Wikky PWNS at Bones (Episode 6)
Let's expand on some chatter - you'll hear in my video the complaint that I would offer for most independent MMORPGs. A lot of energy is often devoted to game engine and mechanics which is significant in terms of game development.
Graphics, mapping and sound are a major part of the process as your artists are feeding of the energy of creating new and wonderful things for the world to appreciate and this is important too.
What often gets lost in game development is the importance of good writing. This is the thing that separates good games from everything else. We tend to think: throw down a few maps, let people run around, and the game will succeed.
They won't. The failure of most games comes in the lack of dedication to telling a good story. MMOs are more than just games - they are narrative, storytelling, art. What you're trying to do is immerse a whole bunch of people in the grand drama that you're trying to tell. You want them to find their place within the story and the community.
To do this you create narrative arcs. You don't have to have one stream for every player (in an RPG that's okay but in an MMO it's bad). You have to write out the story you want to tell and then give players the opportunity to be overwhelmed by it.
Bones drops you in a bunch of maps and the story is meta. Kayfabe breaking. There is no fourth wall. The story is how I have more stuff than you. How I'm better at vidya games.
Timmy's in the well - but I don't care. All I care about is the reward at the end to put on my paperdoll.
If BU is going to be amazing: make me care about Timmy. Not about how I can't find Timmy. Not about getting lost in a clusterfuck of maps that serve too many purposes so I decide to forget Timmy.
Tell the story of Timmy - and then let me find myself in it.
Then you map.
Graphics, mapping and sound are a major part of the process as your artists are feeding of the energy of creating new and wonderful things for the world to appreciate and this is important too.
What often gets lost in game development is the importance of good writing. This is the thing that separates good games from everything else. We tend to think: throw down a few maps, let people run around, and the game will succeed.
They won't. The failure of most games comes in the lack of dedication to telling a good story. MMOs are more than just games - they are narrative, storytelling, art. What you're trying to do is immerse a whole bunch of people in the grand drama that you're trying to tell. You want them to find their place within the story and the community.
To do this you create narrative arcs. You don't have to have one stream for every player (in an RPG that's okay but in an MMO it's bad). You have to write out the story you want to tell and then give players the opportunity to be overwhelmed by it.
Bones drops you in a bunch of maps and the story is meta. Kayfabe breaking. There is no fourth wall. The story is how I have more stuff than you. How I'm better at vidya games.
Timmy's in the well - but I don't care. All I care about is the reward at the end to put on my paperdoll.
If BU is going to be amazing: make me care about Timmy. Not about how I can't find Timmy. Not about getting lost in a clusterfuck of maps that serve too many purposes so I decide to forget Timmy.
Tell the story of Timmy - and then let me find myself in it.
Then you map.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Bless you if you got here through the story thread.
The forums are, obviously, back up. Thanks Luke for spending your valuable time keeping us together.
I've got new episodes of Minecraft and Bones uploading. The higher level recordings begin tomorrow for Bones so there's that to look forward to.
Just check the twitter or the facebook and you'll find links for today's episodes. I'm uploading them and going to bed rather than waiting to post them here. If you really want them here - on the blog - on demand. Simply click the series you want to watch up top and then click on the latest episode in the playlist. You can also watch all my back episodes there too.
Have a great night and a pleasant tomorrow.
I've got new episodes of Minecraft and Bones uploading. The higher level recordings begin tomorrow for Bones so there's that to look forward to.
Just check the twitter or the facebook and you'll find links for today's episodes. I'm uploading them and going to bed rather than waiting to post them here. If you really want them here - on the blog - on demand. Simply click the series you want to watch up top and then click on the latest episode in the playlist. You can also watch all my back episodes there too.
Have a great night and a pleasant tomorrow.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
TREOS.ORG is experiencing technical difficulties
So it seems. I'm not sure if anyone else is having issues connecting with the forums but I've been timing out for the last little while.
All is not lost as I'm sure Lucian will have everything up and running when it's possible. If you are in need of some instant gratification you can always use the comments section below for some quick and dirty conversation.
Or the tweets.
Or the Facebook.
I'll have a new Bones-Underground video uploaded in the next hour and episode 23 of Wikky Island. I'll add them to this post as they come online.
I had a couple of hours to kill from an unexpected change in my schedule so I got to playing around. You'll notice in the videos that the quality of video is not particularly awesome. I've been using Debut Video Capture for years and while it's been sufficient it hasn't been amazing.
No longer.I just picked up some new software to capture with. It gives me outstanding capture quality recording directly from the window and much better sound capability. The sound is going to be huge - instead of recording everything through the speakers I'll be able to patch game sounds directly into the video and voice-over synching should be spot on.
On top of that if I ever decide to do play (like when the lads get their minecraft server started) I'll be able to stream direct. Awesomesauce.
It's going to take a few episodes to kick in and you'll notice the difference when it happens (Bones will be first because I've only got one more episode recorded in advance. It'll be Thursday for Wikky Beach because I had a marathon session that had a lot going on.)
So enjoy.
All is not lost as I'm sure Lucian will have everything up and running when it's possible. If you are in need of some instant gratification you can always use the comments section below for some quick and dirty conversation.
Or the tweets.
Or the Facebook.
I'll have a new Bones-Underground video uploaded in the next hour and episode 23 of Wikky Island. I'll add them to this post as they come online.
I had a couple of hours to kill from an unexpected change in my schedule so I got to playing around. You'll notice in the videos that the quality of video is not particularly awesome. I've been using Debut Video Capture for years and while it's been sufficient it hasn't been amazing.
No longer.I just picked up some new software to capture with. It gives me outstanding capture quality recording directly from the window and much better sound capability. The sound is going to be huge - instead of recording everything through the speakers I'll be able to patch game sounds directly into the video and voice-over synching should be spot on.
On top of that if I ever decide to do play (like when the lads get their minecraft server started) I'll be able to stream direct. Awesomesauce.
It's going to take a few episodes to kick in and you'll notice the difference when it happens (Bones will be first because I've only got one more episode recorded in advance. It'll be Thursday for Wikky Beach because I had a marathon session that had a lot going on.)
So enjoy.
Friday, 5 September 2014
Wikky PWNS at Bones
I finally got around to checking out Bones-Underground (AFTER ALL THESE YEARS). I was just going to play it - and then I got it into my head - why don't I record it?
So I did.
Now I have two Let's Play series on the go between Wikky Island and Bones-Underground. More of my dulcet tones to soothe your stressed out soul.
If you haven't played BU then join in. and the link will always be on the private server page (above).
Hope to see you there.
So I did.
Now I have two Let's Play series on the go between Wikky Island and Bones-Underground. More of my dulcet tones to soothe your stressed out soul.
If you haven't played BU then join in. and the link will always be on the private server page (above).
Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
The Responsibility of Intellect
Feeling Zen today. Pardon me while I knock on the sky and listen for the sound.
I'm a smart guy. IQ in the mid-150s. A few quality sheepskins on the wall. A long and profitable real life career based on the fruits of a laborious mind. I don't say any of this to brag. It just is.
What I have learned along the way is that even though I am statistically likely to be smarter than 99% of the people in any room I walk into I am no better than anyone else there. I am not intellectual royalty. The ignorant plebeians should not be required to bow down in fealty to me, their omniscient feudal lord.
They say that I am a genius by rote measure.
Genius is a term concocted by modernists hoping to categorize and prioritize some to the exclusion of others. It is not a reason to lash out with the whip of the tongue against those who can't comprehend 14 dimensional space.
I have learned this and as with much wisdom I have learned it the hard way.
The whip serves as an instrument of fear against those who have already succumbed to it. To those who feel inferior, dumb, or stupid it simply reinforces a conditioned response. Shy away and resent the wielder.
This creates a three-fold response. The resentment is then often transferred either to the less powerful creating regimes, castes, and systems of further oppression or it is transferred to the fruits of intellect itself thus creating ignorance and fundamentalism.
Or...and we'll come to this in a moment...rebellion.
White towers. Intellectual elitism. These are our residences or our prisons. Take your pick. We create them for ourselves each time we look down an artificial distance created to impress upon our fragile egos a sense of superiority.
The truth is that we're just clamoring along the same rock everyone else is hoping for the light of the sun to rise on us each morning.
What do I know? A little more trivia to make me sound interesting? How to game the economic system we've created for ourselves to have a nicer car? The easiest way to manipulate people into my bed?
I know these things.
There is so much that I don't know.
That is the deepest, darkest secret of genius. As smart as we are: we aren't that smart.
But we'll crack the whip as long as it works. We'll look down on the bullies and the fundamentalists with disdain and convert the world to our own system of oppression and our fundamentalism of the mind.
Until someone grabs a rock and realizes that it's stronger than the whip.
That is the way of the world as we jockey for power and turn our gifts towards selfish gain. The mind. The arm. The struggle for dominance.
The pendulum swings.
I have learned this.
I have also learned to serve. This is the true calling of the mind and of the arm. Not to bow in fear to one another but to honour with hospitality.
When a person willingly sets aside their need to dominate and embraces the good of another. When a person takes the gift of intellect and combines it with the strength of the hand in mutual submission. When I walk into a room and realize the diversity of talents and experiences in the other 99% of the other brilliant and amazing people there.
Then amazing, beautiful, marvelous, world-changing, life-giving, wonderful and magical things can happen.
I have learned this: set aside the whip and embrace the hand of others. It is better to walk together than to shake your fist in rage when the rebellion passes you by.
This is the responsibility of intellect.
I'm a smart guy. IQ in the mid-150s. A few quality sheepskins on the wall. A long and profitable real life career based on the fruits of a laborious mind. I don't say any of this to brag. It just is.
What I have learned along the way is that even though I am statistically likely to be smarter than 99% of the people in any room I walk into I am no better than anyone else there. I am not intellectual royalty. The ignorant plebeians should not be required to bow down in fealty to me, their omniscient feudal lord.
They say that I am a genius by rote measure.
Genius is a term concocted by modernists hoping to categorize and prioritize some to the exclusion of others. It is not a reason to lash out with the whip of the tongue against those who can't comprehend 14 dimensional space.
I have learned this and as with much wisdom I have learned it the hard way.
The whip serves as an instrument of fear against those who have already succumbed to it. To those who feel inferior, dumb, or stupid it simply reinforces a conditioned response. Shy away and resent the wielder.
This creates a three-fold response. The resentment is then often transferred either to the less powerful creating regimes, castes, and systems of further oppression or it is transferred to the fruits of intellect itself thus creating ignorance and fundamentalism.
Or...and we'll come to this in a moment...rebellion.
White towers. Intellectual elitism. These are our residences or our prisons. Take your pick. We create them for ourselves each time we look down an artificial distance created to impress upon our fragile egos a sense of superiority.
The truth is that we're just clamoring along the same rock everyone else is hoping for the light of the sun to rise on us each morning.
What do I know? A little more trivia to make me sound interesting? How to game the economic system we've created for ourselves to have a nicer car? The easiest way to manipulate people into my bed?
I know these things.
There is so much that I don't know.
That is the deepest, darkest secret of genius. As smart as we are: we aren't that smart.
But we'll crack the whip as long as it works. We'll look down on the bullies and the fundamentalists with disdain and convert the world to our own system of oppression and our fundamentalism of the mind.
Until someone grabs a rock and realizes that it's stronger than the whip.
That is the way of the world as we jockey for power and turn our gifts towards selfish gain. The mind. The arm. The struggle for dominance.
The pendulum swings.
I have learned this.
I have also learned to serve. This is the true calling of the mind and of the arm. Not to bow in fear to one another but to honour with hospitality.
When a person willingly sets aside their need to dominate and embraces the good of another. When a person takes the gift of intellect and combines it with the strength of the hand in mutual submission. When I walk into a room and realize the diversity of talents and experiences in the other 99% of the other brilliant and amazing people there.
Then amazing, beautiful, marvelous, world-changing, life-giving, wonderful and magical things can happen.
I have learned this: set aside the whip and embrace the hand of others. It is better to walk together than to shake your fist in rage when the rebellion passes you by.
This is the responsibility of intellect.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Episode 21 is Online
Took a quick trip to the ocean for a few days. Always good to find an excuse for surf and sun. Flight was, well, a flight - but the view was spectacular.
By the way - TREOS folks who are wondering why you should consider University or College - later in life when the money you make far exceeds what you would have without a degree: you can fly to the ocean for a few days.
Or you can get high now.
Anyways - Episode 21 is up. Hope you're enjoying. In the comments if you feel like chatting: should you go to college?
By the way - TREOS folks who are wondering why you should consider University or College - later in life when the money you make far exceeds what you would have without a degree: you can fly to the ocean for a few days.
Or you can get high now.
Anyways - Episode 21 is up. Hope you're enjoying. In the comments if you feel like chatting: should you go to college?
Friday, 29 August 2014
Episode 20!
Twenty Episodes of Minecraft in. I'll get this island in shape. I'd love to vow that I won't die again. Who knows.
In any event. Enjoy!
In any event. Enjoy!
Thursday, 28 August 2014
9 Year Old with an Uzi!?!
Sometimes I don't understand Americans. Sometimes I understand them all too well.
I get the fear based society that you've built that keeps you clutching your Glocks and your AR-15s. I get that you rationalize it away with ironic claims of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness even though none of these things is found at the barrel of a gun. I've learned that the right to bear arms within the context of a well-regulated militia has come to mean something else along the lines of profits for arms dealers who have become priests in the temple of the NRA.
I get it. And, as a Canadian, I understand your fear that we might come and kick your ass again. I get it.
If that's the country you want and the life you think you need to live then have at it. Just leave your weapons at home when you come to our safe and peaceful streets where our annual gun violence statistics equal an average night in Chicago and we'll be savvy.
What I don't get is putting an Uzi in the hands of a 9 year old.
Sad. Tragic. Unfortunate. Accident. These are the words that I've been reading and hearing over the past couple days.
Bullshit. The word that should be plastered on everything from the newspaper headlines, to the priest's sermon, to the firearms instructor's gravestone, to the papers that Child Protective Service's agent brings when they take this child from her parents:
Stupid instructor. Stupid parents. Stupid business. Stupid gun lobby. Stupid media. Stupid country.
If you can't see, beforehand, that PUTTING AN UZI INTO THE HANDS OF A FUCKING NINE YEAR OLD GIRL is a bad idea. Well then, you're stupid too.
I hate that the guy is dead. I feel bad for his family. This little girl is going to be in therapy for a long time.
It's still stupid.
A nine year old girl should still be supervised when using scissors. Has the responsible decision-making capacity of an alcoholic at an open bar. The hand eye coordination of a guy with Parkinson's having an Epileptic seizure.
Let's give her an Uzi and think nothing bad is going to happen.
I don't get it. Explain to me noble trolls and American gun nuts. How is this not stupid?
Comment below.
I get the fear based society that you've built that keeps you clutching your Glocks and your AR-15s. I get that you rationalize it away with ironic claims of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness even though none of these things is found at the barrel of a gun. I've learned that the right to bear arms within the context of a well-regulated militia has come to mean something else along the lines of profits for arms dealers who have become priests in the temple of the NRA.
I get it. And, as a Canadian, I understand your fear that we might come and kick your ass again. I get it.
If that's the country you want and the life you think you need to live then have at it. Just leave your weapons at home when you come to our safe and peaceful streets where our annual gun violence statistics equal an average night in Chicago and we'll be savvy.
What I don't get is putting an Uzi in the hands of a 9 year old.
Sad. Tragic. Unfortunate. Accident. These are the words that I've been reading and hearing over the past couple days.
Bullshit. The word that should be plastered on everything from the newspaper headlines, to the priest's sermon, to the firearms instructor's gravestone, to the papers that Child Protective Service's agent brings when they take this child from her parents:
Stupid instructor. Stupid parents. Stupid business. Stupid gun lobby. Stupid media. Stupid country.
If you can't see, beforehand, that PUTTING AN UZI INTO THE HANDS OF A FUCKING NINE YEAR OLD GIRL is a bad idea. Well then, you're stupid too.
I hate that the guy is dead. I feel bad for his family. This little girl is going to be in therapy for a long time.
It's still stupid.
A nine year old girl should still be supervised when using scissors. Has the responsible decision-making capacity of an alcoholic at an open bar. The hand eye coordination of a guy with Parkinson's having an Epileptic seizure.
Let's give her an Uzi and think nothing bad is going to happen.
I don't get it. Explain to me noble trolls and American gun nuts. How is this not stupid?
Comment below.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
I think I'm in love with Panddda and oh yeah, Episode 16
Whoever put the Panddda bot in the middle of Aeven Square is my favorite person ever. I stopped in last night to chat with folks and for shits and giggles I typed "Panddda wants the D" to which the bot replied. "Wickedfrost, are you propositioning me?"
Alright - we all know that it's not going to pass the Turing test though I'm absolutely convinced that Deviants would think she was a real person. Still - I spent a good half hour messing around with the Bot's responses. Some were hit and miss. Others were absolutely hilarious.
Just type Panddda somewhere in your text and she'll respond to you. Have fun.
She pops out trivia questions and keeps track of points too. All you have to do is type the answer in chat to respond and the first one to do so gets points. Type #stats <yourname> and you can find out how you're doing.
There are other commands too though I don't know them. I did pick up that #register <username> <text> and Panddda will shout out your text whenever you #<username>
So in the comments - if you know some Panddda commands or some hilarious responses - share them with everyone or else you're a selfish prick.
Also - Episode 16 is down below. Like, share and subscribe.
Alright - we all know that it's not going to pass the Turing test though I'm absolutely convinced that Deviants would think she was a real person. Still - I spent a good half hour messing around with the Bot's responses. Some were hit and miss. Others were absolutely hilarious.
Just type Panddda somewhere in your text and she'll respond to you. Have fun.
She pops out trivia questions and keeps track of points too. All you have to do is type the answer in chat to respond and the first one to do so gets points. Type #stats <yourname> and you can find out how you're doing.
There are other commands too though I don't know them. I did pick up that #register <username> <text> and Panddda will shout out your text whenever you #<username>
So in the comments - if you know some Panddda commands or some hilarious responses - share them with everyone or else you're a selfish prick.
Also - Episode 16 is down below. Like, share and subscribe.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Facebook, Private Servers, Data Corruption, and Minecraft News
Hey all,
I've got myself hooked up with Facebook and so a number of you are going to be connecting with me that way. If you'd like there are connecting points on the right side of the blog and down at the bottom to connect to me personally and to the blog page down below.
Feel free to add me as your friend and to connect with the Endless-Online community there.
I've added the private server list and you can find that in the top menu bar and in the links section on the right. I'm going to be doing some private server tours in the near future so that you can get a sense of what's out there. But please feel free to go and try out some of these new servers.
And if you have a private server that you'd like featured please let me know via the myriad of ways that you can connect with me.
Regarding the Main Server: more reports on the loss of items are connecting it primarily with botters and folks who used different exploits to try and get around the data corruption. It seems attempting to log in isn't the cause but connecting to a greater degree affected the community. Since it's mostly hackers and botters affected I'm not inclined to feel too much pity. But it is what it is and hopefully you weren't affected too much.
And Minecraft Episode 15 is up. Lucian is talking about a potential Minecraft server which would be fun and I'd definitely record. I've got my video limit increased by YouTube so I can even post past the 15 minute break. I won't do many long videos but if we've got a co-op build going on I'll record that too.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow.
I've got myself hooked up with Facebook and so a number of you are going to be connecting with me that way. If you'd like there are connecting points on the right side of the blog and down at the bottom to connect to me personally and to the blog page down below.
Feel free to add me as your friend and to connect with the Endless-Online community there.
I've added the private server list and you can find that in the top menu bar and in the links section on the right. I'm going to be doing some private server tours in the near future so that you can get a sense of what's out there. But please feel free to go and try out some of these new servers.
And if you have a private server that you'd like featured please let me know via the myriad of ways that you can connect with me.
Regarding the Main Server: more reports on the loss of items are connecting it primarily with botters and folks who used different exploits to try and get around the data corruption. It seems attempting to log in isn't the cause but connecting to a greater degree affected the community. Since it's mostly hackers and botters affected I'm not inclined to feel too much pity. But it is what it is and hopefully you weren't affected too much.
And Minecraft Episode 15 is up. Lucian is talking about a potential Minecraft server which would be fun and I'd definitely record. I've got my video limit increased by YouTube so I can even post past the 15 minute break. I won't do many long videos but if we've got a co-op build going on I'll record that too.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Endless-Online is back online
Endless-Online came back online today after a couple of months of server error. The server is stable though a bit laggy from the many people reconnecting. There are some early reports of data loss. Specifically people have lost items from their paperdoll. I have not experienced this myself on any of my accounts but results may vary.
As to the cause of the extended time away: nobody knows. Likely just a database error on the server side that caused the need for a reset. Every once in a while server companies do reset their machines and that likely reset the game for us. There are no announcements or changes in the game.
So enjoy it while it lasts.
If you need the software I've got a clean download on the right-hand side in the links section or you can pick it up directly from with the faulty EIRC file intact. (Just delete it and you'll be fine.)
I know some of you have been waiting a long time for this. And like my last post indicated - just in time. Maybe Vult-R is listening to me after all of these years. :)
Timing your MMO launch
This is for my Endless-Online private server developers out there. You want to have a successful launch of your private server then, as with most things, timing is everything.
Knowing the life cycle of your target audience is key in any business endeavor and your window is particularly narrow.
Honestly - you want to launch now.
This is the MMO silly season. Everyone has left their games for sun and surf. School is out. The weather is good. Friends are chillin'. Game numbers drop. If the main Endless-Online server was running right now you would see a 40% drop in real player rates. It's been that way for a decade.
Then comes September.
School begins. Free time is limited. Your adult players are back to real work. People are back to their screens. There's a reason that all the television shows start their seasons in September. It should be your reason to launch.
An additional reason: no main server = your opportunity to pick up market share. This is your window to get them before they leave for good. If you want to be successful. Now is the time.
So if you're close then it's worth putting extra hours in to finish your private server and to promote it. You'll get the most return on your investment of time now.
Down below in the comments. If you've got a private server: post the details. I'll add them to the links section and if you've got banner ads I'll make a space and page for them.
Knowing the life cycle of your target audience is key in any business endeavor and your window is particularly narrow.
Honestly - you want to launch now.
This is the MMO silly season. Everyone has left their games for sun and surf. School is out. The weather is good. Friends are chillin'. Game numbers drop. If the main Endless-Online server was running right now you would see a 40% drop in real player rates. It's been that way for a decade.
Then comes September.
School begins. Free time is limited. Your adult players are back to real work. People are back to their screens. There's a reason that all the television shows start their seasons in September. It should be your reason to launch.
An additional reason: no main server = your opportunity to pick up market share. This is your window to get them before they leave for good. If you want to be successful. Now is the time.
So if you're close then it's worth putting extra hours in to finish your private server and to promote it. You'll get the most return on your investment of time now.
Down below in the comments. If you've got a private server: post the details. I'll add them to the links section and if you've got banner ads I'll make a space and page for them.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Brock destroys Cena
I know I've got WWE fans with me. Caught SummerSlam last night - that was a helluva card. Even the Bella bullshit wasn't horrible. But then - Cena vs. Lesnar.
Holy Shit.
Brock absolutely destroys Cena. Of course: scripted, fake, not real. I know - obviously. I appreciate pro wrestling as an art form not as actual combat or sport. What I'm amazed by is that they had the balls to tell that story.
Brock Lesnar - the legitimate fighter tearing apart the WWE's Superman for the past 10 years. And not just beating him. Wrecking him.
Like I'm wrecking Cruise on the whole poetry thing. Check the forums.
You watched that match and you believed that Lesnar is the baddest man on the planet. Every German Suplex told a story. Every time he told the ref to call the match you believed the bell was going to ring.
Hell - I don't know if they prepped the ref because he looked like he didn't know what was happening: because we've never seen this before.
The 5 guys shouting "boring" in this match. Fuck you. That was the most compelling match this side of Cena-HBK's hour long marathon in the past 10 years.
I have no idea where they go from here. Plan is for Brock to go on to Mania with the title and face either the Rock, HHH, or Reigns. None of those matches will be any good. We'll have to believe that one of those 3 guys is at Brock's level and we know that's never going to happen.
They could strip him of the title or screw him over in a three-way match or perhaps blindside him with a MiTB cash in and a 15 on 1 beatdown. None of it's going to be convincing and it will ultimately tarnish the title.
The only thing that kind of works is Brock retires as champ. The greatest champ who ever lived. He conquered the WWE and everyone who ever mattered. And then goes on to UFC again and hopefully doesn't lose. It's the only story that works.
That's the future. Who knows where they go. From a writing perspective they've painted themselves into a corner. But for the moment when considering the beating that Brock laid on Cena last night.
Amazing. Well done.
Holy Shit.
Brock absolutely destroys Cena. Of course: scripted, fake, not real. I know - obviously. I appreciate pro wrestling as an art form not as actual combat or sport. What I'm amazed by is that they had the balls to tell that story.
Brock Lesnar - the legitimate fighter tearing apart the WWE's Superman for the past 10 years. And not just beating him. Wrecking him.
Like I'm wrecking Cruise on the whole poetry thing. Check the forums.
You watched that match and you believed that Lesnar is the baddest man on the planet. Every German Suplex told a story. Every time he told the ref to call the match you believed the bell was going to ring.
Hell - I don't know if they prepped the ref because he looked like he didn't know what was happening: because we've never seen this before.
The 5 guys shouting "boring" in this match. Fuck you. That was the most compelling match this side of Cena-HBK's hour long marathon in the past 10 years.
I have no idea where they go from here. Plan is for Brock to go on to Mania with the title and face either the Rock, HHH, or Reigns. None of those matches will be any good. We'll have to believe that one of those 3 guys is at Brock's level and we know that's never going to happen.
They could strip him of the title or screw him over in a three-way match or perhaps blindside him with a MiTB cash in and a 15 on 1 beatdown. None of it's going to be convincing and it will ultimately tarnish the title.
The only thing that kind of works is Brock retires as champ. The greatest champ who ever lived. He conquered the WWE and everyone who ever mattered. And then goes on to UFC again and hopefully doesn't lose. It's the only story that works.
That's the future. Who knows where they go. From a writing perspective they've painted themselves into a corner. But for the moment when considering the beating that Brock laid on Cena last night.
Amazing. Well done.
Sunday, 17 August 2014
The Love of Man
She thinks she knows it.
Measures it. Fathoms something lesser.
She knows nothing
Of height, depth, breadth, and dimensions folded in on themselves.
Of giving.
And giving.
And forgiving and worse. The strength to restrain the need to forgive.
Anger. Resentment. It gains no foothold here.
This is a man's heart.
Where hatred can rule when vigilance fails.
The night watch. The morning comes. The battle. The peace.
It is all the same.
Vigilance. Duty. Honour.
Man has not the heart of stone accused. He guards it with stone
because he must.
He must guard it from her.
Such is a man's love.
Measures it. Fathoms something lesser.
She knows nothing
Of height, depth, breadth, and dimensions folded in on themselves.
Of giving.
And giving.
And forgiving and worse. The strength to restrain the need to forgive.
Anger. Resentment. It gains no foothold here.
This is a man's heart.
Where hatred can rule when vigilance fails.
The night watch. The morning comes. The battle. The peace.
It is all the same.
Vigilance. Duty. Honour.
Man has not the heart of stone accused. He guards it with stone
because he must.
He must guard it from her.
Such is a man's love.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
The Value of Anonymity and Wikky Island: Episode 10
This blog is for you. It's also for me. The benefit of having a super-secret-superhero-secret identity is that I can mull over things here that I might not be able to in "the real world." When you get older life transitions into a dynamic of power. It is your capital and your currency.
Weakness is heavily frowned upon and even outright attacked.
So admitting your weaknesses or even working through them is taboo. So in real life, like many, I have none.
Absolutely ridiculous and a ridiculous way to live.
My outlet is writing. I explore fears, desires, challenges, and dreams in the stories I tell and the peoples' stories that I share. That is the gift of being a professional writer. You can go down a few of those roads.
But not all of them. There are still limits. A writer carries a sword (a diamond sword!) but you can only swing it so many times before your arms get tired of fighting. So you pick your battles and tell the stories that will leave you relatively unharmed.
Where am I going with this?
Anonymity. Google, Facebook - they absolutely hate it because anonymity does not generate useful data for them to sell to advertisers and other third parties. There is a fundamental value in having it, however, because there are stories to be told (that need to be told!) that wouldn't be told if there was fear of repercussion.
Not to say there shouldn't be repercussions for some stories told. Terrorists, child molesters, and the people who spit on your burgers at McDonald's all deserve fatal beatings.
But other stories that are told.
People who wrestle with being gay in a local culture of intolerance and hate who risk becoming an object of ridicule and yet another statistic if someone at school found out.
Or someone battling depression who just needs a place to express the darkness without fear of being denied entry to the US because they had an episode once.
Or even me.
I'm not going to drop heavy on you guys every day. But every once in a while expect a little bit of cathartic venting and a bit of a window into my soul. I give you permission to troll in the comments because the great thing about being WickedFrost is that my superpower is anonymity.
I don't know you. You don't know me.
You want to spew shit. No problem.
+1 page view.
Oh - and down below - Episode 10. Per request I've upped the resolution to 720p so enjoy me being awesome at Minecraft in HD.
Weakness is heavily frowned upon and even outright attacked.
So admitting your weaknesses or even working through them is taboo. So in real life, like many, I have none.
Absolutely ridiculous and a ridiculous way to live.
My outlet is writing. I explore fears, desires, challenges, and dreams in the stories I tell and the peoples' stories that I share. That is the gift of being a professional writer. You can go down a few of those roads.
But not all of them. There are still limits. A writer carries a sword (a diamond sword!) but you can only swing it so many times before your arms get tired of fighting. So you pick your battles and tell the stories that will leave you relatively unharmed.
Where am I going with this?
Anonymity. Google, Facebook - they absolutely hate it because anonymity does not generate useful data for them to sell to advertisers and other third parties. There is a fundamental value in having it, however, because there are stories to be told (that need to be told!) that wouldn't be told if there was fear of repercussion.
Not to say there shouldn't be repercussions for some stories told. Terrorists, child molesters, and the people who spit on your burgers at McDonald's all deserve fatal beatings.
But other stories that are told.
People who wrestle with being gay in a local culture of intolerance and hate who risk becoming an object of ridicule and yet another statistic if someone at school found out.
Or someone battling depression who just needs a place to express the darkness without fear of being denied entry to the US because they had an episode once.
Or even me.
I'm not going to drop heavy on you guys every day. But every once in a while expect a little bit of cathartic venting and a bit of a window into my soul. I give you permission to troll in the comments because the great thing about being WickedFrost is that my superpower is anonymity.
I don't know you. You don't know me.
You want to spew shit. No problem.
+1 page view.
Oh - and down below - Episode 10. Per request I've upped the resolution to 720p so enjoy me being awesome at Minecraft in HD.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Thoughts on Robin Williams
After a long struggle with depression actor and comedian, Robin Williams, took his own life. The man was a genius. As an actor he was both manic and sympathetic. He could make you laugh and make you cry and sometimes both at the same time. He was an inspiration for me to become a writer and to allow the consciousness to flow without limits.
That was truly his genius. No reservations. A complete investment in every role, in every joke, in every scene.
Dead Poets Society is my favorite movie. Period. It literally saved my life. An outcast, a writer, and an artist as a teen there were no role-models for me. I'm sure everyone figured I'd be another statistic; another sad but not quite unexpected headline in the local newspaper.
Then came Robin Williams. He was the teacher I never had. A mentor on the screen. I sat in that classroom. Walked those halls. Sat in the old cave reading Byron and Keats.
There was life in front of me that didn't involve a hockey rink or milking cows. I followed that dream. Seized the day. Sucked the marrow out of life.
Thank you Robin. Rest in peace.
That was truly his genius. No reservations. A complete investment in every role, in every joke, in every scene.
Dead Poets Society is my favorite movie. Period. It literally saved my life. An outcast, a writer, and an artist as a teen there were no role-models for me. I'm sure everyone figured I'd be another statistic; another sad but not quite unexpected headline in the local newspaper.
Then came Robin Williams. He was the teacher I never had. A mentor on the screen. I sat in that classroom. Walked those halls. Sat in the old cave reading Byron and Keats.
There was life in front of me that didn't involve a hockey rink or milking cows. I followed that dream. Seized the day. Sucked the marrow out of life.
Thank you Robin. Rest in peace.
Seize the day...because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.
EO Plus
Hey all,
A few updates today as I work on things.
1. Wikky Island - Episode 6. I've tried everything and the file is dead. I've got one more trick up my sleeve. It might work. It might not. And it didn't. So we move on to Episode 7. (BELOW)
2. I'm thinking of doing a Nikki Minaj cover. That damned rabbit on Pills and Potions is hypnotizing. So when I've got that recorded and mixed down I'll have that up for you.
3. Social media. Connect to me on Google+, Twitter, and YouTube. I don't think I'm going to do the whole Facebook thing especially with the shitty Messenger app that they're pushing.
4. Private Server News: is currently in Beta (whatever that means for EO Private servers). I'm still waiting on Stava's EO server which I think has the most promise, but while you're itching for a place to go this is a brand new alternative.
The only criticism I have for private servers that are popping up: Stop making your own forums. TREOS.ORG is the place to go. Connect with Lucian over there and I'm sure he could work out a good deal on your own subforum. There is no need to fragment a small community and you'd be better served tapping into one central one.
Anyways - from their homepage:
A few updates today as I work on things.
1. Wikky Island - Episode 6. I've tried everything and the file is dead. I've got one more trick up my sleeve. It might work. It might not. And it didn't. So we move on to Episode 7. (BELOW)
2. I'm thinking of doing a Nikki Minaj cover. That damned rabbit on Pills and Potions is hypnotizing. So when I've got that recorded and mixed down I'll have that up for you.
3. Social media. Connect to me on Google+, Twitter, and YouTube. I don't think I'm going to do the whole Facebook thing especially with the shitty Messenger app that they're pushing.
4. Private Server News: is currently in Beta (whatever that means for EO Private servers). I'm still waiting on Stava's EO server which I think has the most promise, but while you're itching for a place to go this is a brand new alternative.
The only criticism I have for private servers that are popping up: Stop making your own forums. TREOS.ORG is the place to go. Connect with Lucian over there and I'm sure he could work out a good deal on your own subforum. There is no need to fragment a small community and you'd be better served tapping into one central one.
Anyways - from their homepage:
- Welcome To EO-Plus, A MMORPG based Off Of Endless Online. We Have Kept The Same Old Classic Endless Feel, Plus Added A Few New Additions That We Felt Would Suit The Game. We Are Currently In A Developmental Testing Phase.
- EO-Plus Mimics All Aspects Of Endless Online From Maps, Quests, Monsters, and Experience Rates. We Have Introduced A New Card System Into The Game. All Monsters Now Drop Cards Which Can Be Equipped, Every Card Gives Specific Stat Bonuses. Currently All Cards Dropped Will Give 50HP/50TP, But That Is Just Temporary Until We Implement Each Monsters Own Special Stat Bonuses.
- There Is Also A Chance To Get Enhanced Items! All Equipment Dropped By Badies Will Have This Chance. Don't Worry, They Will Be A Rare Occurance.
- We Look Forward To Seeing You Online During Our Testing Phase, Please Report Any Missing Quests/Maps On The Forums.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Arglon's Server
Hey all,
Quicky report for you. Arglon is releasing a server and provided a quick YouTube introduction for the thing. I'm still looking ahead to Stava's server being my main source of EO goodness but for those of you who can't wait and who are looking for something to do while EO Main is glitched up - here it is.
As far as details on release date, where to download, etc. When Arglon provides them I'll update them. I've sent a quick note his way and I'll let you know what he says.
Stay Frosty!
Quicky report for you. Arglon is releasing a server and provided a quick YouTube introduction for the thing. I'm still looking ahead to Stava's server being my main source of EO goodness but for those of you who can't wait and who are looking for something to do while EO Main is glitched up - here it is.
As far as details on release date, where to download, etc. When Arglon provides them I'll update them. I've sent a quick note his way and I'll let you know what he says.
Stay Frosty!
So should I do a twitch channel?
That's the question of the day.
I'm going to have to look into it anyways. Especially the monetization side of things. I know the recording software ports relatively easily over to YouTube and you'd also get to bask in my TF2 Awesomeness.
On the other side of it - there would be yammering while I'm playing. But that wouldn't be a horrible thing. I was recording minecraft episodes and there was a spot where it seemed too boring to just record what I was doing so I shut down the recorder and did some boring farming work. On the other side of it the interactivity could be cool.
Do you folks have twitch experience? Let me know in the comments. Good, bad, ugly?
Or favorite channels?
I'll put Ep. 6 up tomorrow.
I'm going to have to look into it anyways. Especially the monetization side of things. I know the recording software ports relatively easily over to YouTube and you'd also get to bask in my TF2 Awesomeness.
On the other side of it - there would be yammering while I'm playing. But that wouldn't be a horrible thing. I was recording minecraft episodes and there was a spot where it seemed too boring to just record what I was doing so I shut down the recorder and did some boring farming work. On the other side of it the interactivity could be cool.
Do you folks have twitch experience? Let me know in the comments. Good, bad, ugly?
Or favorite channels?
I'll put Ep. 6 up tomorrow.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
It's Tuesday
So. Tuesday morning.
You need content. CONTENT. So I've got some for you. Episode 5 of Wikky Island Minecraft will be down at the bottom of this post. But I didn't post anything yesterday so it feels like I owe you something more.
So let's talk plans. My plan. Bringing Wikky back.
Not just this - where a few of you read the blog and bask in the greatness. I mean all of me loving all of you - and all of you loving enough of me to pay attention. We're going to surpass the greatness of the Endless Report here.
Music. Reviews. EO. News. Entertainment. One stop fucking shopping here.
But I need your help because WickedFrost isn't just me. It's we.
I'll generate the best I've got for you and try to keep you entertained. All I ask is that you get people here. To the blog. To the Youtubes. To the tweets. And especially to TREOS.
We long for the glory days of Endless-Online. I was there. Those glory days came because we all built the community from the ground up. Vult-R provided the game. We provided the heart. The soul. The LULZ!
So if you want that back and more then let's make our fucking stand here. Connect your friends. Tell the /Chans. Give a shit.
Because we're doing this.
We are legion.
Fear us.
You need content. CONTENT. So I've got some for you. Episode 5 of Wikky Island Minecraft will be down at the bottom of this post. But I didn't post anything yesterday so it feels like I owe you something more.
So let's talk plans. My plan. Bringing Wikky back.
Not just this - where a few of you read the blog and bask in the greatness. I mean all of me loving all of you - and all of you loving enough of me to pay attention. We're going to surpass the greatness of the Endless Report here.
Music. Reviews. EO. News. Entertainment. One stop fucking shopping here.
But I need your help because WickedFrost isn't just me. It's we.
I'll generate the best I've got for you and try to keep you entertained. All I ask is that you get people here. To the blog. To the Youtubes. To the tweets. And especially to TREOS.
We long for the glory days of Endless-Online. I was there. Those glory days came because we all built the community from the ground up. Vult-R provided the game. We provided the heart. The soul. The LULZ!
So if you want that back and more then let's make our fucking stand here. Connect your friends. Tell the /Chans. Give a shit.
Because we're doing this.
We are legion.
Fear us.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
Wikky Island: Episode 3
Minecraft continues. Join in the fun. Episode 1 contains the seed. It'll only take you about a half hour to catch up to the rest of us.
Blog news: I've got a whole bunch of different things planned as we go forward. A number of Let's Play ideas including League of Legends (which I have never ever played). I'm going to play it cold with no guides, tutorials, etc. Should be entertaining.
Also - subscribe/follow me on the social shit. It helps the bottom line which helps the bottom line. Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. I'm trying to connect everyone who has ever been attached to Endless-Online ever.
Blog news: I've got a whole bunch of different things planned as we go forward. A number of Let's Play ideas including League of Legends (which I have never ever played). I'm going to play it cold with no guides, tutorials, etc. Should be entertaining.
Also - subscribe/follow me on the social shit. It helps the bottom line which helps the bottom line. Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. I'm trying to connect everyone who has ever been attached to Endless-Online ever.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Wikky Island Episode 2
I love me some Minecraft. So here I am continuing to try to make it on my own. 1 Tree. No animals. Alone on the ocean.
Remember that this is a communal thing. Play the same map and post your progress down below in the comments section.
Seed details are here:
Have a great one.
Remember that this is a communal thing. Play the same map and post your progress down below in the comments section.
Seed details are here:
Have a great one.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
I can be such an idiot, sometimes.
When you're balancing real life and a secret, superhero identity it can sometimes be a bit of a jumble to keep everything straight and not do dumb things like tweet EO stuff on your real twitter account and so on.
I've never done it because I'm hella organized. When I'm me I'm me and when I'm WickedFrost I'm the paragon of virtue that you all dearly love and crave for supper. I pull out the old character sheet (which is now 9 pages long) with details and accounts and passwords and the like.
The challenge, really, has been that when I'm WickedFrost I was going into "Incognito Mode" and having to manually enter passwords and log in again and again if I wanted to do the blog, check in on Treos, upload a YouTube video etc.
It really was a pain in the ass and meant that being WickedFrost sometimes took more time than I was interested in putting into it. And so neglect. For you. Which sucks. For you.
Then today. Ephiphany.
What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing.
Download another browser. Be WickedFrost there.
I'm an idiot. So know I have a brand spanking new browser (which still isn't as good as Chrome but for this who the fuck cares). My worlds are separate. There's no chance of dumb mistakes since all the windows are separate. And now I can interact with WickedFrost in the background and be really damned efficient.
So there you go.
I learned something today.
And so did you.
Or not.
Whatevs. I'm cool.
Anyways - comment section. Things you've done the hard way for a long time and then the easy way kicks you in the groin.
I've never done it because I'm hella organized. When I'm me I'm me and when I'm WickedFrost I'm the paragon of virtue that you all dearly love and crave for supper. I pull out the old character sheet (which is now 9 pages long) with details and accounts and passwords and the like.
The challenge, really, has been that when I'm WickedFrost I was going into "Incognito Mode" and having to manually enter passwords and log in again and again if I wanted to do the blog, check in on Treos, upload a YouTube video etc.
It really was a pain in the ass and meant that being WickedFrost sometimes took more time than I was interested in putting into it. And so neglect. For you. Which sucks. For you.
Then today. Ephiphany.
What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing.
Download another browser. Be WickedFrost there.
I'm an idiot. So know I have a brand spanking new browser (which still isn't as good as Chrome but for this who the fuck cares). My worlds are separate. There's no chance of dumb mistakes since all the windows are separate. And now I can interact with WickedFrost in the background and be really damned efficient.
So there you go.
I learned something today.
And so did you.
Or not.
Whatevs. I'm cool.
Anyways - comment section. Things you've done the hard way for a long time and then the easy way kicks you in the groin.
Let's Play Minecraft
Alright. Might as well do the minecraft thing 12 minutes at a time. I'm starting off with a survival island seed. 1 tree. No sheep. No animals. Just grass and sugar cane. I'll probably die of starvation or creeper explosion before I get too far but let's see what we can do with it.
In the comment section below: Post your youtube link with your attempt at the same seed.
Rules. 12 minutes at a time. No cheats. No starting chest. Keep up with me and let's see how we compare with one another.
A couple of things: Here's what I use for video capture.
And - the seed.
Settings: Large Biomes
Seed: -2510345707698934093
Make sure you set it for Large Biomes in the advanced settings or you won't get the island.
Here's episode 1. Enjoy.
In the comment section below: Post your youtube link with your attempt at the same seed.
Rules. 12 minutes at a time. No cheats. No starting chest. Keep up with me and let's see how we compare with one another.
A couple of things: Here's what I use for video capture.
And - the seed.
Settings: Large Biomes
Seed: -2510345707698934093
Make sure you set it for Large Biomes in the advanced settings or you won't get the island.
Here's episode 1. Enjoy.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
What am I listening to?
Right now?
I'm listening to LIGHTS. Canadian, electropop, awesomesauce.
"Up We Go" is one of those midsummer, party's still going, a little tired, but not quite at the "this was the best summer memories" song yet. Great for driving to the beach or dreaming about the potential of September. The thing I like about LIGHTS is her layering of electronic elements without them overpowering the underlying pop foundation.
She is easy to listen to yet the music is sublime in its complexity as you listen again and again.
Bonus points if you go vinyl:
By the way - conversation starter - Vinyl's resurgence. Are you in on this or still clinging to your ipod?
I'm listening to LIGHTS. Canadian, electropop, awesomesauce.
"Up We Go" is one of those midsummer, party's still going, a little tired, but not quite at the "this was the best summer memories" song yet. Great for driving to the beach or dreaming about the potential of September. The thing I like about LIGHTS is her layering of electronic elements without them overpowering the underlying pop foundation.
She is easy to listen to yet the music is sublime in its complexity as you listen again and again.
Bonus points if you go vinyl:
By the way - conversation starter - Vinyl's resurgence. Are you in on this or still clinging to your ipod?
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Cruside's EO Update
The details of the video aren't actually important (Cru's wrong - this is just a server error that needs to be reset) but the fact of the video is. Cruside is definitely worth the subscribe for some up to date video news of what's going on in EO.
Of course - he's not the only game in town when it comes to EO YouTube channels. You should, of course, add me:
If you haven't - well, obviously you're doing it right now. I'll wait.
Then there's the obligatory twitter feed: tw/IAmWickedFrost which you can find spewing truth on the right side of the blog.
And you can find the community all the way over at
If you've got a blog, a channel, a twitter account that you'd like to share. Tweet me, leave a comment, pm me at the forums.
I'll pimp your shit. That's how we roll.
Over and out.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Are you ready?
This is coming soon.
And more.
I can't say any more. Sworn to near secrecy and all. Though I have been authorized to leak a few screenshots over the next few days.
I can tell you that what I've seen so far is awesome.
Stay tuned.
And more.
I can't say any more. Sworn to near secrecy and all. Though I have been authorized to leak a few screenshots over the next few days.
I can tell you that what I've seen so far is awesome.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Minecraft: Ultrahardcore!
I'm probably late to the game on this. No doubt you folks are already done with it but I'm just getting around to Ultra Hardcore Minecraft.
As someone who is primarily a builder in Minecraft it was getting static for me. Find something new. Build it. Repeat. Sometimes I would have a flash of creative brilliance or challenge myself with stuff like 5x5 compact apartment builds. At the end of the day, though, the only thing I really worried about was griefers on the Westworld servers (
So I'm checking recommends on YouTube and it points me to an UHC video. Alright. I've got to give this a try, I think. So I did. Intense.
You wouldn't think it is - but having 90 minutes to survive and build yourself up against 44 other people (sometimes in teams) - is quite the mental sprint. You've got to get the right things, a little bit lucky, and oh yeah - skellies are going to kill you.
Right now I'm picking up a match or two each week through the reddit ultrahardcore group.
There are instructions for joining, hosting, etc. Even a match calendar that lets you know what's coming up next with a number of variations on a theme.
The next match is on in 10 minutes. Time to focus on enchanting!
As someone who is primarily a builder in Minecraft it was getting static for me. Find something new. Build it. Repeat. Sometimes I would have a flash of creative brilliance or challenge myself with stuff like 5x5 compact apartment builds. At the end of the day, though, the only thing I really worried about was griefers on the Westworld servers (
So I'm checking recommends on YouTube and it points me to an UHC video. Alright. I've got to give this a try, I think. So I did. Intense.
You wouldn't think it is - but having 90 minutes to survive and build yourself up against 44 other people (sometimes in teams) - is quite the mental sprint. You've got to get the right things, a little bit lucky, and oh yeah - skellies are going to kill you.
Right now I'm picking up a match or two each week through the reddit ultrahardcore group.
There are instructions for joining, hosting, etc. Even a match calendar that lets you know what's coming up next with a number of variations on a theme.
The next match is on in 10 minutes. Time to focus on enchanting!
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
A Second Life for Second Life
I know that most of the Endless-Online community lives like Deviants lives: in a mud hut in a Missouri swamp running Windows 3.1 on an old 386. Hence the appeal of a 16 bit MMORPG.
One day you'll update your graphics cards and realize that if you're going to do nothing but sit around all day chatting on the internet, you might as well do it in 3d rather than in 2.5d isometrics. So might I suggest Second Life as your time waster of choice.
Because the Oculus Rift is going to support an immersive Second Life experience that is likely to be a game changer for Linden Labs and one that is going to breathe new life into what is admittedly a small and devout community.
The big deal is that Oculus is going to bring people, developers, and corporate cash back into the virtual world. This means the creation of games, realms, new clothing, buildings and brand new social experiences.
I've been an off an on Second Life citizen since its inception and I'm particularly excited by this. The chance to tour Dublin's pubs, walk the streets of new Gallifrey, or dance in the Titanic's ballroom is going to be taken to a whole new level.
So if you're in the mood to hang out drop me a line (Dano Quixote) and you can sometimes find me at the Shelter on a good theme night or trolling idiots at the House of Prayer church.
Oh. And if you're looking for free stuff there's a great freebie shop at with some pretty solid clothing. Nikita Freebies is also a good place to stop in and build up your inventory.
One day you'll update your graphics cards and realize that if you're going to do nothing but sit around all day chatting on the internet, you might as well do it in 3d rather than in 2.5d isometrics. So might I suggest Second Life as your time waster of choice.
Because the Oculus Rift is going to support an immersive Second Life experience that is likely to be a game changer for Linden Labs and one that is going to breathe new life into what is admittedly a small and devout community.
The big deal is that Oculus is going to bring people, developers, and corporate cash back into the virtual world. This means the creation of games, realms, new clothing, buildings and brand new social experiences.
I've been an off an on Second Life citizen since its inception and I'm particularly excited by this. The chance to tour Dublin's pubs, walk the streets of new Gallifrey, or dance in the Titanic's ballroom is going to be taken to a whole new level.
So if you're in the mood to hang out drop me a line (Dano Quixote) and you can sometimes find me at the Shelter on a good theme night or trolling idiots at the House of Prayer church.
Oh. And if you're looking for free stuff there's a great freebie shop at with some pretty solid clothing. Nikita Freebies is also a good place to stop in and build up your inventory.
Monday, 16 June 2014
Stuff you should like: The Beef Seeds
Okay - SEO - came and really went. A valiant effort on Stava's part but really unsustainable. I'm more encouraged by DHex's android experiment. More on that when it comes available.
As for what I've been up to: mostly work. Such is life and life is good. If you're looking for me you're going to find me at TREOS.ORG. Get your ass over there if you haven't.
Now - content. Because what's a blog without some, mirite? I'm going to hit you with whatever I feel like and you're going to like it. Today - I'm on a Beef Seeds kick. If you're not familiar it's your typical YouTube cover channel - except!
I absolutely love the Beef Seeds. I know most of you are dubstep/screamo folks. Change it up a bit. The band consists of Peet "Bongo Peet" Morgan, Becky "Miss Becky" Johnson, Scott "Showman" Bowman, and Adam Beale. Look closely at Miss Becky's eyes.Their classic Bluegrass patterns and vocals make some of the shitty pop they're covering palatable. Hell - they make Miley worth listening to.
Here's a sampler. Subscribe to them.
As for what I've been up to: mostly work. Such is life and life is good. If you're looking for me you're going to find me at TREOS.ORG. Get your ass over there if you haven't.
Now - content. Because what's a blog without some, mirite? I'm going to hit you with whatever I feel like and you're going to like it. Today - I'm on a Beef Seeds kick. If you're not familiar it's your typical YouTube cover channel - except!
I absolutely love the Beef Seeds. I know most of you are dubstep/screamo folks. Change it up a bit. The band consists of Peet "Bongo Peet" Morgan, Becky "Miss Becky" Johnson, Scott "Showman" Bowman, and Adam Beale. Look closely at Miss Becky's eyes.Their classic Bluegrass patterns and vocals make some of the shitty pop they're covering palatable. Hell - they make Miley worth listening to.
Here's a sampler. Subscribe to them.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
SEO: Hats have been rebalanced
I don't have a ton of time today - just a quick update for you - items that were balanced today.
Helmy - 3 def
Eloff Helmet - 1 def
Pilotte - 4 acc
Pirate Hat - 1 eva, 0-1 damage, 1 cha
Lotus Helmet - 4 def
Kitty Hat - 1 eva
Hula Hula Hat - 1 eva
Gob Helm - 2 def 1 acc
Horned Gob Helm - 2 def 0-1 dmg
Golden Crown - 10 hp, 2 cha
Hat of Wonders - 3 wis, 1 eva
Pirate Cap - 5 hp, 1 acc, 1 eva, 1 cha
Pwep/Pwap - 50 hp, 1-2 dmg, 4 acc, 2 eva, 2 def, 1 str, 7 agi, 1 cha
Helmy - 3 def
Eloff Helmet - 1 def
Pilotte - 4 acc
Pirate Hat - 1 eva, 0-1 damage, 1 cha
Lotus Helmet - 4 def
Kitty Hat - 1 eva
Hula Hula Hat - 1 eva
Gob Helm - 2 def 1 acc
Horned Gob Helm - 2 def 0-1 dmg
Golden Crown - 10 hp, 2 cha
Hat of Wonders - 3 wis, 1 eva
Pirate Cap - 5 hp, 1 acc, 1 eva, 1 cha
Pwep/Pwap - 50 hp, 1-2 dmg, 4 acc, 2 eva, 2 def, 1 str, 7 agi, 1 cha
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Wingo Hunt
Stava's EO - link on the right hand side. He's got a quest for the Wingo Mask. It requires the slaughter of 2,000 less than innocent Wingoes. (By the way - the proper spelling of the plural of Wingo includes the "e").
Challenge accepted. There are 17 wingoes that spawn per lap of the field. It takes about 5 minutes to make the lap and get the respawn. That's about a half-hour per hundred. 200 in an hour if you're uninterrupted. So 10 hours to finish the quest.
Now - I don't mind long quests like this. It's one of those chip-away deals that over the course of time can be accomplished without grinding it down. There are only two things I would say about it:
1. Not every quest should be a 10 hour grind. There have to be quests that you can do in a sitting. If you have to grind out every piece of equipment and every quest achievement then it gets boring real fast.
2. The end result of a 10 hour quest should recognize that an average player will take about 3 weeks to accomplish it. The reward for completing such a quest should be a 10 hour reward. Otherwise you lose your player on the #whydidiwastemytimeonthisshit
So note to Stava - as you're balancing for the future make sure you add in a solid mix of short quests - and make sure to balance your long ones to equal the effort.
Challenge accepted. There are 17 wingoes that spawn per lap of the field. It takes about 5 minutes to make the lap and get the respawn. That's about a half-hour per hundred. 200 in an hour if you're uninterrupted. So 10 hours to finish the quest.
Now - I don't mind long quests like this. It's one of those chip-away deals that over the course of time can be accomplished without grinding it down. There are only two things I would say about it:
1. Not every quest should be a 10 hour grind. There have to be quests that you can do in a sitting. If you have to grind out every piece of equipment and every quest achievement then it gets boring real fast.
2. The end result of a 10 hour quest should recognize that an average player will take about 3 weeks to accomplish it. The reward for completing such a quest should be a 10 hour reward. Otherwise you lose your player on the #whydidiwastemytimeonthisshit
So note to Stava - as you're balancing for the future make sure you add in a solid mix of short quests - and make sure to balance your long ones to equal the effort.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Working on the guides...
A rudimentary armour guide is available in the top menu. It's bare bones and I will have a more useful format available for you soon.
I spent 10 hours inputting data values so that I would have a workable database of items. The next step is stripping out graphics files, adding shop and crafting information, and dividing all the equipment into categories that will make them more useful to you. (for example - dividing equipment according to the class it would be most useful to).
There are invariably going to be data errors that come from manually inputting such a massive amount of similar numbers. Let me know when you find one and I'll be sure to have a look.
I'm striving to have them as up-to-date as possible. I'd also like to collect a database of quest guides. I'm going to create a Quests Page. If you would be so kind as to enter your quests in the comments for that page. 1 Quest per comment please.
I spent 10 hours inputting data values so that I would have a workable database of items. The next step is stripping out graphics files, adding shop and crafting information, and dividing all the equipment into categories that will make them more useful to you. (for example - dividing equipment according to the class it would be most useful to).
There are invariably going to be data errors that come from manually inputting such a massive amount of similar numbers. Let me know when you find one and I'll be sure to have a look.
I'm striving to have them as up-to-date as possible. I'd also like to collect a database of quest guides. I'm going to create a Quests Page. If you would be so kind as to enter your quests in the comments for that page. 1 Quest per comment please.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Why Endless-Online is Amazing
(A note of clarification - I do not refer to the current abomination that is the main server - it is not amazing. Stava's EO, however, has captured the spirit of what EO should have been).
There are few who have been around longer than me. I don't know whether that's good or bad. It is. I don't wear longevity as a badge of honour - it simply is what it is. I've stuck around for just under a decade.
There's a reason for that.
The reason is that Endless-Online has captured just the right amounts of "it" to be successful. It can be analyzed. Digitized. Metricized. I don't think it can be recreated in a formulaic fashion but there's a reason that 10 years after it's initial release - an incomplete game is still able to capture our imaginations and dominate our time.
If I were to deduce some of the variables I would start with its simplicity. Endless-Online was never too complicated. Walk and whack. But what makes it fun is that you do so in real time with very few systemic interjections. As a writer that offered a numbing escape to the emotional highs and lows of the creative process. I could grind out a level or chase a new item. A couple hours would pass but I didn't have to engage much of the thought process.
Then I'd look to the diversity of experience. Even though the game was not anywhere near complete it has always been varied in game play. Different PVP modes. Group hunting. Competitive farming and crafting. Even just hanging around where level, equipment, or ability had very little to do with whether you belonged. What you need when you need it.
Finally I'd suggest the community. Edgy. Accepting. Combative. Supportive. Young. Old. Wise. Foolish. Refreshing. Hip. Old School. Ugly. Beautiful. All of that. Of all the people I've encountered across pixels over the years - I've felt invested in them - a common bond - the unity of family that brings us together. I came back because there are people in this community that I will never meet - and yet they are important to me - where do you find that anywhere else. I've yet to find this experience anywhere else.
Endless-Online - as long as it holds on to these core values - will truly be that. Endless. Simple. Diverse. One. When I took a step back I missed it - not because it was addictive - but because it was important. You are important.
To me, anyways.
There are few who have been around longer than me. I don't know whether that's good or bad. It is. I don't wear longevity as a badge of honour - it simply is what it is. I've stuck around for just under a decade.
There's a reason for that.
The reason is that Endless-Online has captured just the right amounts of "it" to be successful. It can be analyzed. Digitized. Metricized. I don't think it can be recreated in a formulaic fashion but there's a reason that 10 years after it's initial release - an incomplete game is still able to capture our imaginations and dominate our time.
If I were to deduce some of the variables I would start with its simplicity. Endless-Online was never too complicated. Walk and whack. But what makes it fun is that you do so in real time with very few systemic interjections. As a writer that offered a numbing escape to the emotional highs and lows of the creative process. I could grind out a level or chase a new item. A couple hours would pass but I didn't have to engage much of the thought process.
Then I'd look to the diversity of experience. Even though the game was not anywhere near complete it has always been varied in game play. Different PVP modes. Group hunting. Competitive farming and crafting. Even just hanging around where level, equipment, or ability had very little to do with whether you belonged. What you need when you need it.
Finally I'd suggest the community. Edgy. Accepting. Combative. Supportive. Young. Old. Wise. Foolish. Refreshing. Hip. Old School. Ugly. Beautiful. All of that. Of all the people I've encountered across pixels over the years - I've felt invested in them - a common bond - the unity of family that brings us together. I came back because there are people in this community that I will never meet - and yet they are important to me - where do you find that anywhere else. I've yet to find this experience anywhere else.
Endless-Online - as long as it holds on to these core values - will truly be that. Endless. Simple. Diverse. One. When I took a step back I missed it - not because it was addictive - but because it was important. You are important.
To me, anyways.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Wordpress, how I hate you, let me count the ways...
Shooting myself in the foot to start out by starting with Wordpress. I have a bunch of author friends who swear by it and so I figured why not give it a shot with the revamped Report. Turns out my friends are a bunch of Mac using hippies who couldn't change the colour of their drapes without Steve Job's permission.
Newbies - by WickedFrost (A Lorde Parody) by Wickedfrost
What a load of absolute bullshit. No iframes. No real access to template coding. Text editing options that rival WordPad at best.
Here's my advice. If you're looking for free blog hosting - go with the almighty Blogger. It took me 10 minutes to migrate the Report here.
With that is coming a name change for the whole thing.
The Aeven Pub.
A little touch of nostalgia and what I really hope this place will be. A place to come home to.
Thanks for being patient with me. The guides etc. I'll be implementing starting on Monday when I have some time off.
Something to entertain yourself with.
Something to entertain yourself with.
Newbies - by WickedFrost (A Lorde Parody) by Wickedfrost
Beach Wood Sparks - Forget That Song
As promised it’s not all going to be Endless-Online stuff here. I’m going to give you little windows into the World of WickedFrost and one of those things you’re going to get from me is my absolute love for great music.
Beachwood Sparks, for example. An alternative country band out of Cali on the Subpop Label. They’ve been putting out quality music for the past decade and their members were involved in some mildly successful projects through the 90s (like Strictly Ballroom who were completely underrated).
Beachwood Sparks, for example. An alternative country band out of Cali on the Subpop Label. They’ve been putting out quality music for the past decade and their members were involved in some mildly successful projects through the 90s (like Strictly Ballroom who were completely underrated).
Forget That Song has a decidedly 90s retro feel with hints of Oasis, Radiohead and that sense of a mid-winter thaw where the darkest days are over and the spring is about to come.
Sit back and keep warm.
Back Where It All Began
I find myself trolling around the Skeleton Cave. A bit of a nostalgic rush to be back there since I spent so much time there in the early days of Endless-Online. Back then most people tended to stick to obvious places like the Reaper Cave. Nobody used to come to Skellies.
Except me. It was totally quiet. Newbs didn’t know how to get there. The drop rates for skellie parts and the 30 gold per made it very lucrative. And – how many of you got your dragon armour from me? I must have given out thousands.
So I’m having fun. Parts are needed for different crafts in Stava’s server. It’s quiet again.
Just me and the skellies.
SEO Guides are Coming
I will have a set of SEO guides available to you in about a week. If you’re looking for old EO guides for main you can find them at I’m not going to work on those anymore since the main server is an abandoned ghost town.
SEO guides will take a bit of time to get all the data mined and formatted into web-ready content. The other challenge is that Stava is in the earliest stages of balancing and creating so a stable and definitive guide is a task next to impossible.
But I will do my best to put it all together for you. Weapons, armour, items, quests. I’ll work on a map as best I can – but I’m not an artist – so we’ll see what I’m able to come up with.
Have fun.
Script Kids 'R Us
One of the shadowy subcultures that has emerged over the past decade is the growing number of script kiddies resorting to tremendously ham-fisted tactics to advance their own personal interests. Forget the subtle nuances of finding a glitch or exploiting a security flaw. Even the clever art of social manipulation to gain an edge requires an element of skill.
What remains are examples like this:
- Someone is getting all the kills because they’re better than me. Take down the server.
- The server owner won’t give me free stuff. Take down the server.
- I got owned on global chat. Take down the server.
- Someone else has a new server that’s better than mine and people are leaving. Take down the server.

You get the general refrain.
Let’s first forgive some of these folks who suffer from legitimate mental illness. This is a reality in life that not everyone is stable and the indy corners of the ‘net tend to provide a haven for those looking for an escape from their woes. There are a number of illnesses that might cause what looks like an immature and childlike reaction to perceived injustices.
For those who aren’t afflicted with the challenges of illness: shame on you. There are four-year-olds with more mature responses to not getting their way. You can rationalize it away with lame thoughts like “It’s online, it doesn’t matter.” or “I’m so awesome because I can mess with a few kids experimenting with some patchwork software on tiny little servers using ddos routines that I didn’t even write”.
Seriously. I know you’re likely not intelligent enough to think about the broader philosophical implications of what you are doing. Let me boil it down for you. You’re throwing a temper tantrum because you didn’t get your pixels. Your mom should have spanked you more.
In any event – grow up. Some of you are in your twenties. James.
The Endless-Online community is just that – a community – if you don’t want to be a part of it there’s always 4chan. Go there.
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